Before Thee may my heart be pure as a pure crystal, so that wholly it may reflect Thee.
-The Mother
Our next annual workshop on Integral Education...
India- From Past Dawns to Future Noons
Explore love and human relationships through a psycho-spiritual lens in this 5-week transformative course.
Lecture-demonstration on Hindustani Classical Music.
Dr. Beloo Mehra facilitated an insightful discussion on the psychic entity’s role in transformation and inner progress.
Lecture on Vijayanagara’s legacy as part of the Hampi photography exhibition.
Dr. Beloo Mehra facilitated an insightful discussion on the Mother’s guidance on psychic education and inner...
Photography exhibition on Hampi’s heritage, exploring Vijayanagara’s perseverance, valour, and cultural legacy through...
Inauguration of BhāratShakti Exhibition at the Ashram Exhibition House.
Dr. Beloo Mehra’s talk at Pondicherry/Auroville Poetry Festival explored Sri Aurobindo’s poetic and artistic insights.
Sri Aurobindo’s vision on Integral Education and NEP2020 critically examined by Dr. Beloo Mehra at the seminar.
Mr. Narendra Murty explored the inner meaning of Samudra Manthan, highlighting its relevance to spiritual sadhana.
Explore the Sacred Art of Vedic Chanting – An Orientation Program on 22nd February 2025, Puducherry.
A Panel Discussion in Auroville.
Narendra Murty’s talk explored Zen’s core principles, blending wisdom, humor, and interactive discussions for spiritual...
A conference to explore the historical, spiritual, and socio-cultural ties to strengthen international understanding and...
Narendra Murty’s YES Talk explored Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri, highlighting human aspiration, divine grace, and spiritual...
A session for AuroYajna
The Pondicherry Heritage Festival honours the town’s rich cultural legacy, blending history, creativity, and...
An Interactive Session for Uditam by Dr. Beloo Mehra.
BhāratShakti hosts ‘Navakriti’ on 13th Feb 2025, celebrating the Mother’s Birthday with young visitors.
Midam Foundation Hosts Book Launch & Philanthropic Initiative
A talk by Beloo Mehra at Jadavpur University.
A talk by Beloo Mehra in Kolkata at Sri Aurobindo Bhavan.
A talk by Beloo Mehra at Kolkata on 25th January at Sri Aurobindo Pathamandir
Dr Kishor Kumar Tripathy at Tamizh Sangam’s Literary Program & Award Ceremony.
Exploring the Psychic Spark and Inner Progress in Integral Yoga with Dr. Beloo Mehra.
A Talk by Beloo Mehra at Youth Camp.
BhāratShakti curated a Sri Aurobindo yoga exhibition for Puducherry's 30th International Yoga Festival.
Rediscovering the Veda's relevance through modern interpretations, spiritual insights, and Sri Aurobindo’s vision
BhāratShakti conducted a workshop on Indian culture for 70 students, fostering pride and awareness.
A two-day immersive residential retreat at Karnataka.
Our Culture, Our Pride’ workshop featured a curated poster exhibition on Indian culture for Gurukulam students.
Beloo Mehra led session on "Psychic, the Divine Spark" for Uditam, exploring spiritual growth.
A one-day conference that explored Rsi Agastya, Sri Aurobindo, and Vedic traditions for public health awareness.
Dr. Beloo Mehra led a transformative workshop on Integral Education for teachers at GIET College, Rajmundhry.
Narendra Murty explored spiritual seekers' qualifications through Sankara and Sri Aurobindo in YES Talk.
Exploring art’s transformative role in education and healing through Creative School’s innovative approaches.
Hampi exhibition posters by BhāratShakti enriched students' integral learning through history, art, and mythology.
Webinar on “Sri Aurobindo, the Seer-poet” exploring his poetic and rishi-like vision.
Exploring Natyashastra's insights on Indian aesthetics, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness with Dr. Mala Kapadia.
Interactive meeting on cultural heritage preservation with National Archives of India delegation.
Fostering a reading culture through creativity and integral education for future development.
A talk by Dr. Beloo Mehra as part of the annual seminar of the Women’s Council.
Exploring India's cultural diversity and unity through Sri Aurobindo’s vision on Siddhi Day.
BhāratShakti explores the spiritual essence of Indian civilisation to address contemporary challenges sustainably.
National symposium on contributions of Sri Aurobindo and Sardar Patel to India’s unity and integrity.
Dr. Beloo Mehra led an interactive session on Discovering the Psychic Being at Uditam.
Dr Tripathy shared AuroBharati's initiatives on Indian culture and education's sustainability.
AuroBharati invites you to the International Symposium on Vedic Wellness and Sustainability on 14th October.
Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth hosted the "II Bharatiya Jnana Parampara Conclave," honouring Indian Knowledge Systems.
AuroBharati, organised "Mahashakti" celebrating Shakti's legacy in Sri Aurobindo's light.
National Symposium on Global Education, Indian Culture, and Sustainability, organised by Sri Aurobindo Society and KMGIPSR. ...
An online event celebrating Durga Puja with talks and music.
AuroBharati organises a national symposium on teachers' roles in educational development.
Mr. Narendra Murty delivered an insightful online talk on "Guru or No Guru?" at YES Talks.
Dr. Kishor Kumar Tripathy presided over an international seminar exploring Vedic wisdom and human development.
Pondicherry Heritage Summit highlighted architectural heritage, cultural preservation, and sustainable tourism in...
Puducherry government launched the Siddha Circuit to promote Siddha heritage and spiritual tourism.
Celebration of World Tourism Day by Pondicherry University on the theme.
BhāratShakti curated a poster exhibition at Creative School, Bengaluru.
A 2-day workshop for teachers on ‘Insights from Itihāsas, Purānas and Upanishads.
Dr. Beloo Mehra’s book Antaryatra: Soul Journeys’ was launched at Creative School, Bengaluru.
A 4-day workshop organized by the BhāratShakti team for more than 350 students.
AuroBharati introduces the "Vedic Heritage Study & Research Forum," focusing on "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: Vedic Vision of...
The Pondicherry Literature Festival 2024 focused on Bharat's cultural revival and socio-political future.
AuroBharati hosts a symposium on "India’s Contribution to the World of Democracy" under the Sri Aurobindo Integral Study &...
Dr. Beloo Mehra delivered a talk on decolonizing Indian cultural studies through Sri Aurobindo’s perspective.
Dr. Beloo Mehra led a group discussion on Love Human to Love Divine at Uditam’s programme.
Audiobook released, "Alaap – A Discovery of Indian Classical Music," with music and discussions.
Mr. Narendra Murty’s insightful lecture on critical thinking for Jindal Global Business School students.
An online event to explore India's rich cultural heritage and unity through interdisciplinary research, inspired by Sri...
The International Symposium on Sustainable One Health promoted a multidisciplinary approach to global health issues.
Celebrate Vedic Heritage and Tradition through various events from 19-25 August 2024 .
Online symposium synthesising Vedic insights by Sri Aurobindo, that featured Dr. Alok Pandey and Dr. Vladimir Yatsenko.
Dr. Kishor Kumar Tripathy conducted an interactive session on holistic personality development through integral yoga .
Launch of a web portal exclusively for children’s Literature .
A poster exhibition curated by the BhāratShakti team on display at the Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Kendra, Gujarat.
An Interactive Session with Educational Leaders from CN Vidyavihar Group of Institutions, Ahmedabad.
A programme for young artists focusing on creative expression, capacity building, and community engagement.
An online by Dr. Beloo Mehra as part of the weekly YES Talks. YES – Yoga, Education and Spirituality .
AuroBharati's interdisciplinary initiative preserves and studies India's rich scientific heritage and knowledge systems.
A webinar in Hindi to commemorate the 300th birth anniversary of Devi Ahilyabai Holkar (31 May, 1725 – 13 August, 1795) .
A talk by Dr. Mehra at the IDY 2024 .
Dr. Beloo Mehra spoke at the SBV Yoga Mahotsav 2024 National conference .
A 12-week online course organised by BhāratShakti
A half-day inspirational educational programme for students from Gujarat.
Dr. Beloo Mehra in conversation with Dr. Ananda Reddy .
An online guest lecture by Narendra Murty for the Jindal Global Business School .
A poster exhibition curated by the BhāratShakti team .
A talk at International Conference by Dr. Beloo Mehra.
A game inspired by the Mother’s “Game of Flowers”.
PG Course at Pondicherry University.
An interactive session that explored on how humour has been used as a method to impart spiritual wisdom.
The second edition of the Samvād Series.
A seminar in collaboration with Department of Art and Culture, Government of Puducherry & Pondicherry University.
A small introduction about the programme.
A programme to felicitate Padma Shri Kiran Vyas
An Interaction with Flame University Students.
As part of Shakti Kumbh 2024, Dr. Beloo Mehra was invited for a talk at the Unity Pavilion, Auroville.
AuroBharati organizing a national symposium in collaboration with Arya Samaj and Department of Art and Culture, Government...
AuroBharati presents Spandanam: Feeling the Pulsation of a Divine Language: Sanskrit Intensive Course for the Beginners
Talk by Dr. Beloo Mehra at a National Seminar .
A lecture on Culture Unites All under the International Cultural Relations project..
A webinar in English and Hindi followed by discussions.
Dr. Beloo Mehra had an interactive session with the participants of the Youth Camp.
A webinar series to understand the deeper symbolism of the Veda as given by Sri Aurobindo.
An international conference in collaboration with Department of Tourism, and Department of Art & Culture was conducted as a...
AuroBharati was invited to participate in the two-day national conference organized by the Department of Art & Culture,...
A special lecture by Prof. Sachidananda Mohanty as part of the post-graduate course on Social Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo.
Book Discussion & Meet the Author - Rani Durgawati: The Forgotten Life of a Warrior Queen (Author: Nandini Sengupta)
AuroBharati presented a paper on The Secret of Veda in the Light of Sri Aurobindo.
A interactive session to mark the birth anniversary of Subramania Bharathiyar.
An orientation programme for the students of Pondicherry University.
An interactive session on the occasion of World Heritage Week organized by AuroBharati in collaboration with the Department...
AuroBharati participated in the programme organized by the Department of Art & Culture, Government of Puducherry.
An interactive session on the occasion of World Heritage Week
Dr. Kishor Kumar Tripathy gave a talk at the annual Women’s Council Conference.
Creative expression competitions conducted as part of the Pondicherry Heritage Festival 2023
AuroBharati participates with other organizations to celebrate the cultural and heritage value of Pondicherry.
A platform for creative expression and capacity building for artists and cultural professionals
National Workshop for children the theme of the year being Cultural Heritage & Communities.
Immerse yourselves in the vocal music concert where harmony is in synchronization with the melody
A programme partnered with IKS Division, Ministry of Education to commemorate the second anniversary of NEP.
AurBharati co-organized the promotion and dissemination program on Sanskrit language and literary heritage.
An Interactive Session with Children from Bangalore.
Dr. Beloo Mehra delivered an online talk to a small group of seekers from the USA
A one-day workshop for those who aspire to understand and learn vedic chanting
A 4-day intensive workshop for around 350 students and teachers.
A talk organized by Sri Aurobindo Society, Bihar.
Talk by Beloo Mehra at International Seminar organised by Department of History at Pondicherry University
A 3-day online workshop from the Sanskrit Study & Research Circle.
An online webinar conducted by the Renaissance journal
AuroBharati, Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry organized ‘Ganesha Vandana- a concert on Hindustani classical music’ at...
Dr Beloo Mehra was invited to speak on the First Annual Session of the Puducherry World History Congress
Sri Aurobindo Society signs a MoU with Pondicherry University
AurBharati participated in a conference jointly organized by Institute of Science and Spirituality (ISS), Jawaharlal Nehru...
AuroBharati organized a one-day seminar to commemorate the completion of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo & 75th...
A seminar in collaboration with Pondicherry University
A panel discussion where Dr Beloo Mehra participated
A talk by Beloo Mehra at Auroville
AuroBharati took part in celebrations organized as part of the Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav programme
Dr Beloo Mehra participated in a special seminar organized on the theme ‘Sri Aurobindo: Messenger of the Divine Influence...
Around 150 artworks displayed as a celebration of the birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo
Dr Beloo Mehra participated in a one-day Conclave organized as part of the President’s visit to Auroville.
A lecture cum demonstration programmeme conducted in association with the Vadakke Matham Brahmaswam, Kerala
An experiential session as part of the on-going Renaissance Journal issue on Food, Sleep and Yoga
A 3-day literature festival organised by Sri Aurobindo Center for Advanced Research (SACAR ).
A group show and talk on the topic Diversity of Cultural Expressions and the National Value of Art: Challenges and...
A lecture-cum-demonstration Programme organized by AuroBharati.
Enchanting folk songs from various Indian languages were melodiously sung.
A lecture-discussion as part of the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo
World Record Declaration and Book Launch project of ‘Krishna’s Butter’ by Midam Charitable Trust.
An Intensive course for teachers on Indian Culture and Self-development
Sri Aurobindo Society signed MoU with Tagore Government Arts & Science College, Puducherry.
A special interactive session with Deepshikha Reddy with special emphasis on Conscious Cooking.
English & Tamil Poster Exhibition: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother's Insights on Conscious Eating & Cooking.
National symposium on Spiritual Tourism organized by Pondicherry University
One-day session for the students, teachers and inmates of Sri Aurobindo Integral Education Centre, Kalupadaghata, Odisha
This webinar was a part of Renaissance’s issue on Life, Literature and Yoga
An interactive session with the students of Sardar Patel University.
A one-day programme organized by AuroBharati for delivering creative expression and capacity building.
Celebration of the 95th Anniversary of the arrival of Kaviguru Rabindranath Tagore in Puducherry, 29th May, 2023
A 3-day workshop that focused on the integral development of children in the age group of 5-13
A workshop that focuses on the integral development of children in the age group of 5-13
A one-day symposium on the occasion of International Museum Day
A webinar on the occasion of International Day for Monuments and Sites
As part of Renaissance theme, Food, Sleep, and Yoga, conscious cooking sessions were conducted by Ms Biswajita Mohapatra
World Art Day observed by AuroBharati in association with Pyar Trust-Deepsthal Learning School
A special interactive session with Deven Shah on Money and Yoga
A one-day national seminar organized by AuroBharati on account of the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo and 75th year...
AuroBharati participated in a webinar organized by the Ministry of Tourism
A panel discussion on ‘Measuring Women’s Contribution to Culture- Key Factors for Achieving Sustainable Growth’
A symposium as part of the Pondicherry Heritage Festival
A symposium organized as a mark of celebrating the 75th year of India’s Independence and the 150th birth anniversary of...
This is a singing and instrumental competition for schook and college studetns on account of Pondicherry Heritage Festival...
As part of the Auroville Festival 2023, Dr Beloo Mehra participated in two panel discussions
A programme organized by school of Music Therapy, Institute of Salutogenesis & Complementary Medicine, on account of...
A special lecture organized by Sri Aurobindo Society in collaboration with Pondicherry University on account of Water...
The next topic in the Sunday webinar series titled ‘What is New in Sri Aurobindo’
Dr Beloo Mehra gave a talk on the Educational Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo
This is a singing and instrumental competition for school and college studetns on account of Pondicherry Heritage Festival...
This is a dance competition for school and college studetns on account of Pondicherry Heritage Festival 2023
Workshop and Demonstration on the occasion of Pondicherry Heritage Festival-2023
Celebrating 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo and 75 years of India’s independence
This is a fine arts competition for schook and college studetns on account of Pondicherry Heritage Festival 2023
A two-day residential retreat at Karnataka, organized by the Renaissance team of AuroBharati
A lecture as a mark of the 75th year of India’s Independence and 150th Birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo
Celebrating the heritage of Pondicherry
A new webinar series to celebrate the 150th year of Sri Aurobindo
A talk by Dr. Beloo Mehra at part of the 150th birth anniversary celebrations of Sri Aurobindo
A talk by Dr. Beloo Mehra at a 2-day National Seminar organized by Sri Aurobindo Integral Life Center at Auro University,...
Exhibition and Talk by Dr. Beloo Mehra at Auro University, Surat
A discussion led by Dr. Beloo Mehra in this year’s AuroYouth camp
A lecture-discussion event with Ms Lakshmi Jyothi
Dr Beloo Mehra spoke on Pondicherry/Auroville Poetry Festival at Matriniketan
An interactive session facilitated by Dr. Beloo Mehra
A talk by Dr. Beloo Mehra in a special seminar organized by the 25th Kochi International Bookfest
Shri Arul Dev spoke on Work as Sadhana
Dr. Mahesh Ranjan Debata, Faculty, Centre for Inner Asian Studies Jawaharlal Nehru University, is the next speaker under the...
Dr. Kishor Kumar Tripathy gave a talk during the annual conference of the Women’s Council
Insights from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother –A talk by Dr. Beloo Mehra
Virtual Exhibition on ‘Creative Expressions Without Boundaries’ on World Children’s Day
AuroBharati, under the series ‘Indian Culture & Heritage’ organized a lecture on the topic ‘Healing Powers of Indian...
A free introductory workshop on ‘Dance for Well-being’
A 3-day workshop that focuses on the integral development of children in the age group of 5-13
A special lecture on Temple Architecture, Iconography & Artistic Expressions
Dr. Beloo Mehra, spoke in the Book Release function organised by Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts (IGNCA),...
The eleventh lecture in the series India, Our Mother, facilitated by Dr Narendra Joshi
A special session of lecture-cum-demonstration on Sri Aurobindo and Subramania Bharati and the Screening of the film‘The...
Reflective Study Circle facilitated by Dr Beloo Mehra
Workshop on Carnatic Music as a celebration of Durga Puja
Lecture on "Contribution of Xufancheng for Intercultural Understanding with special reference to the works of Sri Aurobindo...
One hour special lecture on the theme India – Our Mother, by Dr. Kedarkhandi
Next lecture in the series Bal Samskriti – Towards Creativity & Integral Development
Next in the series of insightful conversations, a conversation on pre-conception to pregnancy, from prenatal education to...
Talk by Jayashree Ashok and B. Ashok
A day of experiential and immersive learning experience to a group of M.Ed. students and PhD scholars
AuroBharati, Sri Aurobindo Society under the Indian Culture & Heritage series presented a lecture by Prof. Nandini Sahu.
Celebrating in collaboration with the Department of Tourism, Pondicherry and XuFancheng Culture Study Centre
A tall by Dr Beloo Mehra at the Integral Yoga Week organised at Auroville
Next in the series of talks titled 'Re-awakening the Bhārata Shakti: Toward an Indian Renaissance'
On the auspicious occasion of Vinayak Chaturthi, AuroBharati, Sri Aurobindo Society conducted a workshop on Appreciation of...
Screening and discussion on the documentary The Transformation at Pondicherry University
Dr. Kishor Kumar Tripathy, Member Secretary, AuoroBharati was invited to be the Chief Guest of Honour for the Sanskrit Day...
A talk by Dr Beloo Mehra at a one-day seminar on Sri Aurobindo and India
Two talks by Dr Beloo Mehra at Matriniketan
A talk by Dr. Beloo Mehra at the National Symposium held at Auro University, Surat
Vinata Joshi explains about Powada, a story-telling performance art that inspires and educates at Insightful conversations
An online lecture delivered by Dr Beloo Mehra organised by Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari and Vivekananda Prabhodini, Mumbai
Orientation for Pondicherry University Students for a Group Project on ‘Cultivating Virtues’
Celebrating the language of the Gods
A 3-day workshop for children from the age group of 5 – 13
A project for the Pondicherry University students
One liner about the workshop or event: Eg: SAS was bestowed with the “Award of Excellence” at the 26th Internatinal Yoga...
A special lecture by Rashmi Nazary as part of Bal Samskriti: Towards Self-Perfection & Integral Development
Next lecture in the series of India – Our Mother by Dr. Shraddha Gour Mohanti
The next in the series of Re-awakening the Bharata Shakti: Toward an Indian Renaissance
A lecture on by Dr. R V Jahagirdar on ‘The Secret of Veda’ under Indian Knowledge Series.
A 9-day poster exhibition as part of the ‘Re-awakening the Bharata Shakti: Toward an Indian Renaissance' series
Frist in the series of talks titled 'Re-awakening the Bhārata Shakti: Toward an Indian Renaissance' a talk by Dr Raj Veam
An insightful conversation with authors of the book ‘The Games India Plays’
A talk by Dr. Beloo Mehra at Antioch University, Ohio, USA
Valedictory Address by Dr. Beloo Mehra at Anubhuti, a residential retreat organised by Sri Aurobindo’s Action, Pondicherry
A conference on Relevance of the Universal Mission of the Bengal Renaissance for a Sustainable Future for India and the...
An online workshop for the M.Ed. students conducted at the School of Education, Pondicherry University
One day seminar to commemorate the 150th birth anniversary celebrations of Sri Aurobindo and the 75th Independence of India
Dr. Chhalamayi Reddy is the Principal of Sri Aurobindo International School, Hyderabad shared her views in the series -...
AuroBharati commemorates International Museum Day
YES Talk – Yoga, Education and Spirituality talk by Dr. Beloo Mehra organized by Dr. Ramesh Bijlani
A lecture by Dr. Beloo Mehra at the Pondicherry University on the topic Individual Liberty and Democratic Ideal in the Light...
Students and Research scholars from Pondicherry University visit the poster exhibition
In continuation to the inaugural celebrations of Sri Aurobindo’s 150 Birth Anniversary, a national seminar on Sri...
Ms Deepa Kiran the next speaker in the series of Insightful Conversations at AuroBharati
A Special lecture by Dr. Geetesh Nirban as a mark of celebrating the 150th Birth Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo
A special lecture by Dr. Charan Singh Kedarkhandi as part of Sri Aurobindo Society’s ongoing celebrations of Sri...
Ms. Sawani Shetye, the facilitator for this month’s series of Insightful Conversations at AuroBharati
A workshop on NEP 2020 and Integral Education designed and conducted by Dr. Beloo Mehra and Ms. Jayashree Ashok , Creative...
A special lecture by Manoj Pavitran to mark the birth anniversary of Auroville
Another series of Insightful Conversations by Ms. Saiswaroopa Iyer an alumnus of IIT, Kharagpur
This lecture was organized by the Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur
One hour special lecture by Shri Aravindan Neelakandan from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Next of the series of Insightful Conversations at AuroBharati was facilitated by Bindu Popli
The participants had the opportunity to experience the Living Force and Power of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.
AuroVidya a curtain raiser on the integration process of NEP 2020 and Integral Education
As a mark of Sri Aurobindo’s 150 birth anniversary AuroBharati and AuroYajna are jointly organizing a series of special...
The next in the series of Insightful Conversations at AuroBharati
An opportunity to experience the Living Force and Power of the Words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother through a focused...
A special lecture by Dr. Shivaram Prasad
Krishna’s Butter – Taking Wisdom of Bhagavad Gita to Children and Youth was the next topic of discussion in...
The first Special Lecture on the theme – India, Our Mother and the topic: Ayurveda & Yoga in Indian Temple Sculptures by...
A Creative Gurukul for the New Age was the next topic of discussion in AuroBharati’s series of Insightful Conversations at...
An interesting and insightful conversation with photographer Madhu Jagdish organized by AuroBharati
Insights from the Practice of Integral Education – A webinar by AuroBharati at Auro University, Surat
An online Webinar by Dr. Beloo Mehra at Auro University, Surat.
Lecture by Dr. Beloo Mehra at the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
A conversation @ AuroBharati with Dr. Pranjal Garg and Dr. Neha Singh
An insightful conversation with Nithin Sridhar, author of Isopanisad and Curator at Advaita Academy.
A talk by Yogacharya Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani to mark International Day of Yoga.
Session by AuroBharati on Indian Culture for students and faculty at Auro University
An online course conducted by SAFIC along with NAMAH, the Journal on Integral Health
A 15-day workshop on Karmayoga jointly organised by SAFIC and NAMAH, the Journal of Integral Health
Train the Teachers to teach Sanskrit
A platform that brought together like-minded to discuss about India-the Bharat Sakthi – its adorable past, exciting...
SAFIC was invited by Hon’ble Lt. Gov. of Pondicherry to present two lectures and poster exhibitions at Raj Nivas
Dr Sampadanada Mishra, SAFIC, gave a lecture on “Is Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language, still relevant?” on the TEDx...
A special poster exhibition titled “Sri Aurobindo and Indian Freedom Movement” was inaugurated at Pondicherry University...
Shri. Sandeep Balakrishna delivered an enlightening lecture titled Luminaries from Modern Indian Renaissance: 1857-1947
Prof. K. Ramasubramanian delivered a lecture titled “Golden Age of Indian Mathematics.”
SAFIC organised and hosted a special orientation event for a group of 50 Master of Education students of Pondicherry...
Unmeṣa: Explore, Evolve, Realise – a 25-day residential study camp concluded on August 22, 2019.
Dr. Sampadananda Mishra, Director SAFIC spoke on the topic “What does it mean to be a Teacher,” at Mirambika School for...
A special lecture by Prof. Devdas Menon was organised on title “Looking for separate self….and never, never finding...
SAFIC yoga class gave a demonstration on the morning of June 21, 2019 to celebrate the fifth International Yoga Day
Selected representatives from four Auro schools were invited to discuss about “Incorporating Topics and Insights from...
On June 3, 2019, Dr. Beloo Mehra, Senior Associate – SAFIC, delivered a special lecture ‘Human Elements in Online...
On June 1, 2019, a one-day Sanskrit Appreciation Workshop, titled ‘Samskritam – Sculpted to Perfection’ was conducted...
On May 22, 2019, Dr. Beloo Mehra, Senior Associate, SAFIC, delivered a special 3-hour lecture, titled ‘Indian Perspectives...
From May 20 to 25, 2019, a week-long intensive Sanskrit learning course, स्पन्दनम्—Feeling the Pulsation...
From May 1 to 15, 2019 a study camp to teach Sanskrit to children aged 8 to 15 years was organized by SAFIC at Kalarigram.
During April 17–20, 2019, SAFIC facilitated a Teacher Leadership Retreat for a group of 18 teachers and...
SAFIC and Department of Sanskrit and Indian Culture, SCSVMV, jointly organized a ‘National Seminar on Prenatal Education:...
On March 25–26, 2019, SAFIC conducted a two-day National Workshop on ‘Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Education’ in...
The Eighth Batch of SAFIC completed its online training course on Basic Sanskrit, which was conducted for free for people of...
SAFIC was one of the organizing partners for the ‘Abhyudaya Conclave’—a unique multidisciplinary programme organized...
Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture (SAFIC), Puducherry, and Jagadguru Kripalu University (JKU), Cuttack, jointly...
On February 28, 2019, a special lecture on the topic ‘Sri Aurobindo – A Pioneer Social Thinker’ was presented by Dr....
SAFIC organized a musical programme—‘Prema Nirjharini’—on February 28, 2019, offered by the Temple of Fine Arts...
On February 27, 2019, as a part of the silver jubilee lectures of the Department of Sociology, a special lecture on the...
On February 26 and 28, 2019, SAFIC conducted workshops to create cultural sensitivity and general awareness on the topic of...
A special lecture on the topic ‘Life Beautiful: Harmony Within and Without’ was presented by Dr. Beloo Mehra, Senior...
On February 22, 2019, a special lecture on ‘Deeper Aim of Life’ was delivered by Dr. Sampadananda Mishra, Director,...
As a part of a two-week programme of Pondicherry University’s Center for Women’s Studies on International Women’s Day,...
On February 2, 2019, Honorable Defence Minister, Dr. Nirmala Sitharaman visited Sri Aurobindo Ashram and Auroville. Dr....
SAFIC organized an intensive workshop on Sanskrit for beginners, titled ‘SPANDANA: Feeling the Pulsation of a Divine...
SAFIC organized its Special Lecture Programme 2019 on January 9, 2019, delivered by Dr. Kundan Singh on the topic ‘Sri...
At a study camp organized by Sri Aurobindo Action, West Bengal chapter at Udavi School in Auroville on December 28, 2018,...
SAFIC organized a one-day retreat for 25 senior executives from iLink Systems on December 20, 2018, in Puducherry.
On December 15, 2018, SAFIC organized the first end-of-semester presentation of the students of the first batch of Samskrita...
In December 2018, SAFIC conducted several programmes all over India, including workshops on Prenatal Education, Human...
On November 14, 2018, Dr. Sampadananda Mishra, Director (SAFIC ), was conferred the Bal Sahitya Award 2018 by Kendra Sahitya...
In October 2018, SAFIC conducted several sessions at the Hindi Zone Annual Conference of Sri Aurobindo Society and then a...
Dr. Sampadananda Mishra (Director, SAFIC) and Dr. Kalyani (Founder Director, Dhyan Baby Prenatal Education Program)...
What is this 'Bharata Shakti', this living energy of our country known as India? An exhibition was organized by Sri...
In August 2018, SAFIC conducted several programmes all over India, including a workshop at the IIT Madras; a story-telling...
SAFIC organized VEDAPRABODHA—An Intensive Study Camp on the Veda, from August 6 to 10, 2018, to explain some of the...
A two-day Sanskrit workshop (Level I) was organized by SAFIC was conducted by Dr. Y.N. Rao on July 21 and 22, 2018, at...
In July 2018, SAFIC conducted several programmes all over India, including an intensive course at the IIT Madras; a live...
A keynote talk on ‘India and Her Languages’ was delivered by Dr. Sampadananda Mishra, Director, SAFIC, at Policy Boot...
A study camp titled ‘SAMSKRITI—Introduction to Indian Scriptures in the Light of Sri Aurobindo’ was held at Madhuban,...
In March and April, 2018, Dr Sampadananda Mishra, Director, SAFIC, was invited to give talks and participate in several...
A ‘Two-Day Sanskrit Workshop – Level-I’ will be organized under the banner of SAFIC, Puducherry, by Dr. Y.N. Rao, a...
From July 16 to 24, 2017, Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture (SAFIC) organized KAVAYAH—An Exhibition on Classical...
A three-day workshop ‘Sambhuti: The Secret of Conscious Maternity and Parenting in Spiritual Light’ was organized by...
A four-day-long workshop was conducted by Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture (SAFIC) that introduced the...
A ‘Two-Day Sanskrit Workshop – Level-I’ was organized under the SAFIC, Puducherry, banner on April 15 and 16, 2017, at...
SAFIC organized a musical programme—‘Prema Nirjharini’—on February 27, 2017, offered by the Temple of Fine Arts...