Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Start Date:05-Sep-2024

End Date:05-Sep-2024



Watch the recording.

On the occasion of Teacher’s Day, September 5, 2024, Mr. Narendra Murty, Research Associate, BhāratShakti, was invited as a Guest Lecturer by the Jindal Global Business School, a specialized institution of O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat. He gave a presentation on the topic “The 6 Thinking Hats Approach to Critical Thinking and Problem Solving” to the first-year students pursuing the Bachelor of Business Administration course. The event was coordinated by Dr Richa Kapoor Mehra, Associate Professor, Jindal Global Business School.

Sri Aurobindo had once said that the number one problem facing India is the lack of original thinking or inability or unwillingness to think. In his essay On Original Thinking he gave deep insights which are highly relevant today as we aspire to work toward new India. It is in this context, the topic of Mr. Murty’s presentation for college students is highly significant and relevant for the reawakening of Bhārat Shakti. Developing critical thinking skills is an important aspect of Mental Education which is necessary for the integral development of the personality.

In his presentation, Mr. Murty covered various modes of critical thinking like the Rational/Logical, Emotional/Vital, Pessimism and Optimism, Creativity and finally assimilation and putting everything into perspective by putting it all together. He used real life examples and events which demonstrate the kind of problems that crop up at a later stage impacting the society in an adverse way when critical thinking is not applied at the conceptual stage. He ended his presentation with a quote of Sri Aurobindo about the need for the power of thought for achieving victory in every field of life.

Mr. Murty’s session was very well received by the young students who showed lot of enthusiasm during the lively interaction session which lasted for 30 minutes following the presentation.

Dr Mayank Dhaundiyal, the Dean of the Jindal Global Business School in his letter of appreciation stated:

Your in-depth knowledge and experience provided a unique perspective and helped deepen our students’ understanding of the industry. Your lecture has provided a rich learning experience for our students and has made a positive impact on their learning outcomes…. I sincerely hope that you will again be able to find time for our students in the near future.”

About the speaker: Narendra Murty is an award-winning author of 4 books that focus on the spiritual aspiration and seeking. He creatively uses stories, anecdotes and humour to present deeper philosophical ideas. His writings can be accessed at his author website.
