Exhibition on Cultivating Soul-values – Courage, Faith and Concentration

Start Date:24-Sep-2024

End Date:24-Sep-2024

Location:Creative School, Bengaluru


One of BhāratShakti ongoing works – Design for Dissemination – the team regularly researches, designs and curates exhibitions on a variety of topics.

As part of its Invoking Shakti children’s workshop series that BhāratShakti team has been curating and organizing over the past two years, in September 2024 they researched and curated a poster exhibition on the theme – Cultivating Soul-values: Courage, Faith and Concentration – to be displayed at Creative School, Bengaluru.

For each of the selected soul-values, several relevant quotes were selected from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. 8-10 quotes were finalized keeping in consideration the diverse age-group of students and teachers who will be going through the exhibition as part of their learning experience at the workshop.

Additionally, a couple of quotes from Swami Vivekananda and some explanatory text was added to finally prepare 30 posters. Pictures that express the essence of the idea and ideal presented in the quotes were carefully selected to design the posters. An appealing and inspiring design was finalized to put together the final exhibition.

The posters were displayed at two different locations at Creative School campus. Students participating in the workshop were divided into 6 groups (about 35-40 in each group) and were given ample time to go through the posters and note down some key points or quotes they found most interesting.

The BhāratShakti facilitators team led by Dr. Beloo Mehra and Mr. Narendra Murty, supported by Ms. Biswajita Mohapatra and Dr. Runalika Roy, engaged the students in follow-up discussion activity. During this time students were encouraged to share what they found inspiring and intriguing in the exhibition posters, and also ask questions regarding any thing they read for which they needed further elaboration or explanation. The facilitators also shared some interesting anecdotes or stories to illustrate a few ideas included in some of the posters. This interactive approach helped deepen students’ understanding.

A total of about 250 students went through the exhibition. The exhibition will be kept on display for a month, till October 24, 2024.
