Integral Health

Integral Health is a state of being in which the individual’s body (the physical), emotions and life energies (the vital), and thoughts (the mental) are in harmony with her inmost self, the Soul. Absence of such harmony manifests as disease or illness.


Uditam: Institute Of Integral Healing

Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry has dedicated a unique ‘Institute of Integral Healing’ (IIH), which will focus on individual’s three-fold wellbeing namely, the physical, the emotional and the mental, by bringing all the three levels under the light of spiritual consciousness. This is the difference between a usual wellness center and IIH. This will be realized through various yogic and spiritual processes and activities which have already been tried and tested and have proven effective.

Our vision is to create a world where everyone can experience harmony. We believe that by providing individuals with the tools and techniques to achieve inner balance and harmony, we can create a better world for everyone. Open the key to a holistic living. Here is a presentation for the program.


Sri Aurobindo International Institute for Integral Health and Research (SAIIIHR) – Despite quantum leaps made by modern medical science, the understanding and attainment of a complete health and wellness are still out of human being’s reach. Our work in health seeks to find answers to human’s long-felt need for perfect health and wholesome living by researching, synthesizing and sharing new healing methods. SAIIIHR's approach is based on viewing health as a complete and integral harmony between the body, life and mind, brought about by the discovery of the Psychic or Soul-principle. The Institute is engaged in studying and understanding health and healing in all their dimensions, prevention and cure of illness, and to build a universal movement towards integral health.



A full-fledged homeopathy clinic—SRI AUROBINDO CENTRE FOR HOMEOPATHY (SACH)—for treatment facilities, health awareness, research and training in homeopathy is a major part of the Integral Health programme of SAS.

Health consultancy and high-quality patient care along with Homoeopathic Treatment were given to 6,059 patients at the SACH Outpatient Department in 2018.

In support of their research and training initiatives, the doctors at SACH organize and attend local, national and international level workshops, conferences and seminars; deliver numerous lectures and talks; and present papers at esteemed colloquiums. Through the year, several yoga camps are also organized to address various illnesses and diseases.

SACH is also carrying out intensive research to study if the application of homeopathy treatment is effective in plant growth. The project covers an in-depth study in the application of homeopathy in the growth of plants, the treatment of plant diseases and its effect on soil fertility. The methodology is proving that homeopathy treats plants successfully.



Our current activities include,

  • Promoting awareness of the application of yogic psychology to one’s daily life
  • Synthesizing various modern and traditional forms of medicine — allopathy, ayurveda, homeopathy, siddha, flower remedies, acupressure, neurotherapy and other alternative systems of medicine
  • Evolving a holistic concept of health based upon the understanding of all dimensions of an individual — physical, emotional, mental, psychic and spiritual
  • Treatment of patients using alternative therapies
  • Sanjeevan, an initiative by Sri Aurobindo Society in collaboration with Institute of Palliative Medicine (IPM), Kozhikode, Kerala, and HelpAge India, New Delhi, aims to practice an integral approach to end-of-life care in Puducherry, based on a spiritual foundation.
  • Publishing a quarterly NAMAH—The Journal of Integral Health, dedicated to the cause of an integral approach to psychology, health and medicine
  • On-going projects:
    • Flower Remedies Project – preparing flower extracts that help regain one’s inner balance, health and harmony
    • Application of Homoeopathy in agriculture
    • Treatment of renal calculi with homeopathy
  • Setting up an institute with facilities for health awareness, research and training in integral health


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