The definition of youth: we can say that youth is constant growth and perpetual progress…
-The Mother
On the first day of the calendar new year, a collective meditation is held at Sri Aurobindo Ashram at 6 am with New Year’s music which is specially...
The Mother’s body was laid to rest.
The Mother's Mahasamadhi day when she left her body. A silent collective meditation is held at Sri Aurobindo Ashram at 6 am after which The Mother's...
Sri Aurobindo Society Foundation Day when Sri Aurobindo Society was started by the Mother on 19th September 1960.
Day of the Supramental Manifestation. On this day The Mother had the concrete experience of the descent of the Supramental Consciousness on Earth. ...
Sri Aurobindo's body was laid to rest.
Sri Aurobindo's Mahasamadhi day when he left his body. A silent collective meditation is held at Sri Aurobindo Ashram at 6 am after which Sri...
The Mother inaugurated a new school with 20 children. She was also one of its first teachers. This school later grew to become Sri Aurobindo...
Siddhi Day or the Day of Victory. Sri Aurobindo experienced the descent of Krishna Consciousness. He said," The descent of Krishna would mean the...
The Mother's final arrival in Pondicherry. The Mother returned to Pondicherry to settle here permanently.
The Mother’s First Visit to Pondicherry. She came and met Sri Aurobindo for the first time. After their meeting, Sri Aurobindo said that he had...
ANNIVERSARY OF SRI AUROBINDO'S ARRIVAL AT PONDICHERRY: Sri Aurobindo came to Pondicherry on April 4, 1910, to pursue a spiritual goal – the goal...
The Mother's birthday: The Mother is born in Paris to a Turkish father and an Egyptian mother. She is named Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa. The...
Sri Aurobindo's birthday. He was born in Kolkata. A collective meditation is held at Sri Aurobindo Ashram at 6 am following which Sri Aurobindo’s...