Durga, The Divine Mother – An Online Celebration of the Festival of Devi

Start Date:05-Oct-2024

End Date:05-Oct-2024




“It is victory day; let it be a true victory of the Spirit over ignorance and falsehood.”

The Mother’s message on Durga Puja, 1954

Durga Puja is celebrated in Sri Aurobindo Ashram as victory day, a victory of the truth over falsehood. To celebrate this auspicious occasion, the BhāratShakti team of Sri Aurobindo Society organized a webinar on October 5, 2024 on the topic — Durga, the Divine Mother.

The programme included four talks and a musical offering. After a few moments of silent invocation of the Mother’s presence, the programme began with the welcome and introductory remarks by Dr. Beloo Mehra, Director, BhāratShakti. She reminded all of Sri Aurobindo’s description of the different poises of the Supreme Mother and how The Mother works in the manifestation through her multiple emanations.

Ms. Biswajita Mohapatra then introduced the first speaker, Ms. Lakshmijyothi C. who spoke on the topic – “The Significance of Durga’s Incarnation”. She opened her presentation with the subject of descent of the Divine consciousness – from the transcendental plane of Sacchidananda to the Supramental and to the Overmental plane and further down to planes of Mind, Life and Matter. Through this discussion she explained the role of Avatar’s descent on earth.

Ms.Lakshmijyothi briefly summarised the Puranic story from the Devi Mahatmaya in which the asuras named Madhu and Kaitabha threatened creation by trying to kill Brahma while Vishnu lay in his Yoganidra. It was then that the Shakti was invoked to deal with the demons. She also briefly explained the symbolism of Mahishasura – the epitome of Tamas and earthly resistance to the higher light, an asura so powerful only the combined powers of all the Devas personified in Devi Durga could vanquish and conquer. She also drew some insightful parallels with the story of Savitri from Sri Aurobindo’s mantric epic poem, and brought in the idea of transformation of asura which is what the future evolution demands.

The next speaker, Dr. Charan Singh Kedarkhandi, spoke on the topic – “The Mother of Might in Savitri“. He began by reminding that all of Sri Aurobindo’s sadhana is about the sadhana of the Mahashakti. He cited how Sri Aurobindo during his Bande Mataram and Karmayogin phase was a strong votary for the awakening of Shakti as expressed in his Durga Stotra. And the same idea of all-powerful Shakti underlies the theme of Savitri as well. He talked about how the whole world is in the throes of suffering and longing for the healing touch of the Divine Mother and the Mahashakti for whom even heaven is not sufficient has willingly embraced earth because of her compassion. And then he enumerated the Mother of Might as described in Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri. He read a few remarkable lines from Savitri and briefly explained their inner significance, highlighting the connection with our own inner journeys.

Dr. Beloo Mehra was the next speaker who took up the topic – “Durga, the Devi of India”. She began by emphasizing that according to Sri Aurobindo, a nation is not merely its land, its people and resources and culture. There is a nation-soul that is its true inner genius, its true inner svabhāva which determines its swadharma. Each nation is a godhead, a power, Sri Aurobindo tells us. And further, each nation has a devi which shapes the temperament and to some extent the destiny of a nation. Durga is the Devi of India, she said. But what does it really mean? 

Dr. Mehra expanded on this by highlighting that Ma Durga combines the characteristics of Maheshwari (Wisdom) and Mahakali (Strength and Power) as explained by Sri Aurobindo. She explained how the spirit of India over many millennia has been expressed in the quest and works of her great sages and seers, high and profound thinkers and philosophers, and also in the great warriors and kings that this land has produced. Emphasising that Durga is the Mother’s force of protection, she remarked that as India works toward her rejuvenation and walks confidently towards her destined work as a spiritual leader of humanity, invoking this Force of Protection against the various anti-divine and hostile forces is essential. She briefly spoke about the role of these asuras in the Divine scheme of things as they test the sincerity of the sadhaks and those working for the true greatness of India. She also cited a few passages from the Durga Stotra of Sri Aurobindo which amply brings out the work we Indians must do to express the true nation-soul of India.

Mr. Narendra Murty then spoke on the topic – “Selected Symbolism in Devi Mahatmya”. He began by explaining what Mahishasura means and what he represents. Thereafter, he spoke about the 3 verses which he had selected to highlight; these verses are specifically about the arming of the Devi by the Gods with various weapons like the Trishul, Chakra, Kharga etc. He explained the symbolism of each of these weapons.

Mr. Murty further mentioned the various adornments that the Devas bestowed on the Devi and brought out the symbolic meaning of the same. And finally he presented the symbolic meaning of the lion or the simha vahana of the Devi and what riding a vahana basically means. Finally, he gave the descriptions of a few Asuras and what they represented.

The four insightful talks were followed by a musical offering from Biswajita Mahapatra who presented a nice devotional song invoking Mother Durga and Her Power and Grace. The 2.5-hour-long programme ended with some brief comments of appreciation and gratitude by a few participants. Dr. Mehra expressed gratitude to the Divine Mother for arranging such a beautiful satsang, a heartfelt celebration of the Durga Puja. 

Watch the recordings – PART 1      PART 2
