Before Thee may my heart be pure as a pure crystal, so that wholly it may reflect Thee.
-The Mother
Jail Canteen was inaugurated inside the Prison.
Footwear Training Centre was inaugurated inside the Prison.
Inauguration of Three Gymnasiums in the Central Prison Kalapet Pondicherry.
Auro Model Prison was invited by Market of India to be a part of Native India Festival in Chennai
Inmates celebrate Christmas in a humble and serene way
Sri Aurobindo Society established first ever Jail Radio in South India in the Central Prison of Pondicherry
Thiru. C. Djeacoumar, Hon'ble Minister for Agriculture, Puducherry, visited Pondicherry Prison
Gandhi Jayanthi Celebrations at the Central Prison, Puducherry
Exchange of idols sculptured by the inmates of Pondicherry and Kolkata prison at Society House
The famous danseuse and social reformer Alokananda Roy at Pondicherry Central Prison.
Inmates of the Puducherry Central prison were given dental treatment and care
Emotional intelligence workshop for the inmates and authorities of Central Prison, Puducherry.
SAS along with Satya Special School and Puducherry Central Prison inaugurates the Home Décor Unit @ Central Prison,...
The journey of Solomon – from an inmate to a tea seller
Sri Aurobindo Society as part of their social responsibility celebrated the Independece Day with the inmates of the Central...