Jail Canteen Inauguration

Start Date:19-Jun-2023

End Date:19-Jun-2023

Location:Kalapet Central Prison

Institute:AuroModel Prison

Sri Aurobindo Society Pondicherry through its AuroModel Prison project has launched a unique initiative called the Jail Canteen, which will be operated by prisoners and aims to be a self-sustaining venture. Through this endeavour, the Society hopes to foster a connection among souls. The introduction of the jail canteen has brought happiness to the prisoners, as they now have the freedom to choose their preferred meals whenever they desire. Additionally, the canteen will offer essential daily commodities. The Society has provided training on hygiene and cleanliness to the canteen staff through subject 

matter experts.With the generous support of the Aurobindo Pharma Foundation, a special unit for growing microgreens has been established in the Jail Natural Farm. These microgreens will be supplied to the Jail Canteen to promote the well-being of the inmates. The Prison administration and the prisoners have expressed deep gratitude to the Aurobindo Pharma Foundation for their assistance.

The inauguration of the jail canteen was done by Embalam Selvam, the Speaker of the Pondicherry Legislative Assembly.




