The Mother Sri Aurobindo

We are sons of God and must be even as he: His human portion, we must grow divine…

A beautiful tomorrow, a happier world, a dynamic application of spirituality to material life and all its activities, human unity in diversity. Sri Aurobindo Society is a global, not-for-profit NGO. Let us come together to create the Next Future!


"We must face life as a whole, with all the ugliness, falsehood and cruelty it still contains, but we must take care to discover in ourselves the source of all goodness, all beauty, all light and all truth, in order to bring this source consciously into contact with the world so as to transform it."

- The Mother


Connect with Us

Sri Aurobindo Society is an association, a movement, an invitation and an opportunity to connect and then surpass oneself, to realize one’s unity with others and integration with the entire creation, to work for a happier world, to participate in the collaborative effort, and to create the Next Future. You are welcome to join us in this effort—Let us be the change! Let us make a difference! Come be a volunteer, member and a contributor in our work!