AuroYajna presents, series of monthly workshops on "Towards Self Perfection., as our first step towards Divine Life in Divine Body..
We have chosen our first series based on Sri Aurobindo's message - "Divine Life cannot manifest without the Divine Body".
Part 1 of the series is "Perfection of the Body."
In order to have the body as a perfect instrument, every system of the body, viz. the digestive system, the neurological system, the cardiovascular system and each body organ needs to be perfected and in harmony amongst themselves.
To start with, the first workshop is on "Improving the digestive system."
In Yoga, digestion is not limited to the food we eat to nourish our body. It is also about how we digest the emotional issues, mental thoughts which are hard to digest, etc., through Yogasan, Pranayam, Relaxation,etc., the digestive system and the organs involved in it can be made more efficient and further stregthen to improve its functioning.
The workshop contains all the above-mentioned practices, deeper yogic understanding of the digestive system and Integral Digestion in the Light of Integral Yoga.
For more details, click here.
For registration contact:
Mobile: +91 88708 13888
Email: [email protected]