All illnesses pass through the nervous or vital-physical sheath of the subtle consciousness and subtle body before they enter the physical. If one is conscious of the subtle body or with the subtle consciousness, one can stop an illness on its way and prevent it from entering the physical body… (Letters on Yoga Vol. IV) Healing an illness is of course a possibility provided we use the right yogic method with the right approach. -Sri Aurobindo
AuroYajna continues the series of workshops titled "Towards Self Perfection” started in July 2021 as the first step towards Divine Life in Divine Body.
This series is based on Sri Aurobindo's message - "Divine Life cannot manifest without the Divine Body".
On someone’s inquiry, “How can the Illnesses entering through the subtle body be stopped?” The mother’s answer was: Ah! Here we are.... If one is very sensitive, very sensitive-- one must be very sensitive—the moment they touch the subtle body and try to pass through, one feels it. It is not like something touching the body, it is a sort of feeling. If you are able to perceive it at that moment, you have still the power to say "no", and it goes away. But for this one must be extremely sensitive. However, that develops. All these things can be developed methodically by the will.” So let come together for deep insight on immunity and also the cleansing capacity of The Lymphatic system.
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Registration details:
Click here for registration.
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Morning 6.00 am to 7:30 am — Practice session only
Evening 4.30 pm to 5:30 pm — Discussion, Q & A and Practices
For more information, contact:
M: +91 8056866627
Email: [email protected]
Attend this session both online and live @ Sri Aurobindo Society, No. 11, St. Martin Street, Puducherry - 605 001, India.