Seamless Sadhana

Start Date:17-Feb-2025

End Date:20-Feb-2025



NAMAH hosted this 4-day online workshop titled, ‘Seamless Sadhana – Working with the Light and Grace of the Mother’," led by James Anderson. The 4-day workshop was all about building a continuity of practice in our sadhana, so that it can flow in an unbroken and seamless way. Normally our consciousness gravitates to the surface and we lose touch with our Truth and so we lose connection with the Presence of the Divine. We move continually backwards and forwards, from light to shadow, from ignorance to knowledge, veering between dual states. The focus of this workshop was on cultivating a continuous and evolving sadhana practice, enabling participants to maintain a deep connection with the Presence of the Divine and the Divine Mother. The practices shared by James were aimed at building a continuous and seamless spiritual practice by invoking the Presence and Grace of the Divine Mother, aligning with the Truth, and opening oneself to her transformative Force. ​Central practices explored in the workshop were:

Foundational Practice

  • Breath Observation: Closing your eyes, relaxing and observing the natural breath without trying to change it. ​ Noticing the changes in its pace and rhythm through your observation.. ​
  • Invoking the Mother's Presence: Silently and inwardly calling the Mother's name "MAA" with each in-breath and out-breath and feel her Presence filling the gaps between breaths. ​

Day 1: Tending to Our Inner Flame ​

  • Placing your consciousness within your heart and summoning all your aspiration and all your yearning for progress. The more you aspire, the more the image of the Fire grows and becomes more vivid, more concrete, more alive.​ Offering all difficulties, desires and imperfections to this inner Fire of aspiration for purification. ​ ​

Day 2: Aligning to Our Truth ​

  • Deep within your heart and invoke the Presence, the Presence of the Mother, who is the personification of the Truth. And this Presence is there in the Psychic centre. Identifying with the Truth. The Truth is your secret self, your authentic Self. Once connected, open your being to its influence. Letting it spread. Give yourself to the Truth. Aligning to the Truth. Surrendering to it and allowing it to blossom inside and over your entire being. Opening your body to its Force and observing it with all your consciousness, feeling it working on your whole being, on your body, organising and re-organising everything inside your body and your being. Just giving oneself to this process. There are no half- measures; a complete consecration to the Truth is mandatory. Inviting the Truth into your life: the complete adherence to the Truth, complete alignment to the Truth. And by giving ourselves sincerely to the Mother and surrendering everything that we are to the Mother so that the Truth can reign in our being.
  • Reading the signals of your body. Being with the body. Observing the body consciousness. Observing its signals, because the body is a wonderful map of our inner psychology. If you lose touch with the body, one loses one’s handle of what is truly going on inside.

Day 3: Knowledge by Identity ​

  •  True knowledge comes from identity, not mental understanding. ​ Aspiring to become one with the Mother and her Light. ​Visualising the Mother's light flowing through your body, becoming one with it. ​
  • Identity is also about worshipping or loving the Mother in everything and everyone. She is everywhere and She is in everyone. So, so identifying with Her in everything and everyone. Feeling and identifying with Her presence in every circumstance of one’s life. This gives a greater meaning to one’s
  • your life. She is the reason behind everything.

Day 4: Engaging with the Mother’s Force ​

  • Active Aspiration & Passive Receptivity: Simultaneously projecting an aspiration to the Divine and maintain a state of inner stillness to receive the Mother's Force. ​Maintaining an exclusive relationship with the Mother, staying open to her force.
  • Inner Work Practice: ​ Witnessing the Force in descent through your body and your being. Where there is any disruption in the flow of the Force, placing your consciousness there, where it arises and enquiring into it with the true consciousness, why this flow of Force is being arrested.

Affirmations and Prayers ​

Each day James shared specific affirmations and prayers to reinforce the connection with the Divine Mother, seek her guidance, and work towards a Seamless Sadhana.


“Feeling connected again.”

“The first session was immensely powerful, setting the stage for the next sessions. I loved the visualisation of the flame and putting all of your being in there. Felt completely transparent like there was nothing to hide.”

“Yes amazing tips for Sadhana.”

“Lovely very serene.”

“It was a beautiful opportunity to connect with Mother's consciousness.”

”Yes, I take shall ideas and insights to put into practice.”

“It was inspiring! Sometimes we need to rekindle the fire. James’ words were good for it.”

“Nice, soothing and friendly.”

“In this four-day workshop i had an opportunity to connect with Mother.”

“The program was very good. I could feel peace around me and i could connect with Mother.”

“Learnt how to connect with Mother always and continuously. Also during sleep we should call Mother to give protection and watch over our sleep. This is the continuous yoga.”

“All four days’ practice was excellent. In this the more i could focus and concentrate was the first session, second and the fourth session.”

“Really felt calm and quiet in me. “

“Every moment call Mother. For everything call Mother, Mother.”

“With James, I feel you are benefiting from a lived experience. It’s not theoretical like most talks. He has the capacity to take you into stillness and to connect with Mother in your deepest parts.”

“The practice he lays out is simple and sincere and can be very powerful if you apply it consistently.”

“I’ve attended several workshops. I find the repetition of the mantra MaMaMa very helpful and I use it throughout whenever needed. In fact I’ve been doing this particular mantra repetition since long, before James workshop so when I first read his workshop description it was this that made me sign up precisely because I knew it to be real and impactful. The other practices are also very helpful but this one in particulars magic.”

“I have been inspired to become an instrument for the divine work since decades now. This workshop helps to deepen it further. Particularly, when you live outside Pondy these connections are very valuable.”

“Felt calm, and centred, i really am thankful for the notes and summary shared. And thank you to James for being the guiding light.”

“Calm and easy.”

“I particularly benefited from:

Inner Continuity – Learning to stay connected with The Mother throughout the day. Effortless Surrender – Understanding that true sadhana is not about personal effort but about allowing her force to flow naturally. Sacralizing Daily Life – Realizing that every action, no matter how small, can be an offering and part of the Divine Work. Silence & Receptivity – Experiencing the power of stillness and how it opens the heart to her guidance. Deepened Aspiration – Feeling a stronger inner call to live each moment in remembrance, making sadhana truly seamless.”

“The sessions helped me cultivate an inner continuity, I found a greater sense of stillness and receptivity, allowing Her guidance to flow more effortlessly. Each session was a step toward living in a constant state of surrender and aspiration.”

“Yes, the workshop clearly demonstrated the way towards a Seamless Sadhana. It provided not just concepts but also practical ways to integrate The Mother’s presence into every moment of life. The sessions emphasized continuous inner connection, effortless surrender, and an unbroken awareness that transcends structured practices. Through guided exercises, reflections, and shared insights, I gained a clearer understanding of how to dissolve the separation between meditation and daily activities. It was a transformative experience that illuminated the path of living in a constant state of sadhana.

“In-breath – MA, out-breath – Ma. In the gap between – feel Her presence. Your technique is so so deep—its feelings are beyond expression, dearest James.”

“Yes, I found the workshop practices immensely helpful in deepening my connection with The Mother throughout the day. One practice that stood out was the emphasis on silent inner remembrance—maintaining a constant awareness of her presence, not just during meditation but in all activities. Another was the practice of conscious breathing, using each breath as a means to stay aligned with her force.

“I also appreciated the guidance on shifting from effortful concentration to effortless surrender, allowing her presence to permeate my being naturally. The practice of offering each action—whether small or significant—as a conscious act of dedication to her was particularly transformative. It made me realize that sadhana is not limited to specific hours of practice but is truly seamless, extending into every thought, emotion, and movement.”

“Yes, the workshop was deeply inspiring and provided a clear understanding of how to become an instrument for the Divine Work. It emphasized that true surrender is not about withdrawing from life but about allowing The Mother to act through us in every moment.

“One of the most powerful realizations was that being an instrument is not about personal effort but about inner openness — clearing away ego-driven movements so that her force can flow unhindered. The sessions helped me see how even the simplest actions, when done in the right consciousness, can serve the divine purpose.”

“There was a tangible presence of The Mother’s force, creating an environment of deep inner receptivity and stillness.”

“I was happy to have a hands on approach, day to day practical guide and a beautiful collective experience on 4 evenings before the Mother's Birthday Darshan.”
