A Consciousness Approach to Allergies

Start Date:21-Sep-2024

End Date:30-Sep-2024



This two-day workshop on Consciousness Approach to Allergies by Dr. Yogesh Mohan was immersive and full of deep insight. It helped the participants understand and relate to themselves as conscious beings. Our human body has a dynamic immune-system with innate intelligence. But sadly, at the same time, it is directly influenced by our thoughts, our lower vital nature and our subconscious self.

The fundamental principles of healing may seem a little theoretical to us in the beginning, but as we proceed on this healing journey, they become more and more experiential. Our body is conscious, sensitive and knows perfectly well how to function, provided we give it the right environment. We are not machines. Our cells and organs function with absolute perfection. When we have an aspiration to heal, it is translated into electrical signals, waves and proteins in the body. When we fear something, it affects the way our DNA and the genes switch off and switch on. Hence, it depends on us, what kind of influence we are going to expose our body and our consciousness to.

The guided meditation practice to connect to Mother Earth was a healing experience which filled the participants with inner calmness and peace. We as humans are actually part of the larger nature around us. We can communicate with nature at a subtle level and easily absorb the pure consciousness and energy from the elements of nature.

The essence of this practice was to-

  • Offer our prayers to Mother Earth and request her to absorb all our pain, suffering and difficulties at the physical as well as subtler levels.
  • Surrender all our physical and social relationship problems to Her and give ourselves totally to her with trust. We are not separate from Mother Earth.
  • When we consciously feel that we are part of Mother Earth, she will take away all our petty problems.
  • She has the capacity of freeing us from all our troubles.
  • An inner connection with Mother Earth is where the miracles start to happen.

At the end of the first day of the workshop, Dr Yogesh emphasised on consciously learning to connect with the Sun God. The Sun represents something very divine and beautiful with which we can experience a deep inner connection. It has beautiful, therapeutic and powerful vibrations.

On the second day of the workshop, Dr Yogesh continued with the immersive experience for the participants by engaging them in another guided meditation to discover the Akash element within us. The essence of this meditation was:

  • Become aware of our infinite self, as vast as the sky above.
  • From this level of consciousness, our daily problems and difficulties seem like not even a speck of dust.
  • Become aware of the human beings on earth, we come and go as our soul evolves ,with each birth we take.
  • Become aware of human beings from different races, different colours, cultures, languages, thinking, etc. millions of human beings, each evolving at their own time and space with different cultures, languages, conditioning, etc.
  • From this space, zoom into our life, our small family, our friends, professional workplace, our neighbours. Accept them for their roles in their own evolution of life.
  • Just as we are a soul in evolution with our own subconscious, vital, mental self, our own problems, limitations and weaknesses, so is their journey too.
  • Zoom in further into our own being and observe small little fears hiding in the corners of our being. Let them go back into the universe.
  • Our fears have no value, no meaning in the larger scheme of things. Identify our fears of the dust, the fear of the pollen, the fear of the food, milk, etc., as and when they come and then offer them to the light of consciousness to become totally free.
  • Now our being is completely transparent: free, full of light. In this state, bring our awareness into the cellular space of the body.
  • Invoke the Divine Mother’s love and light in them.
  • Open up all the cells which are sick, weak and assure them that they are fine, they need not worry and fear, they can come back to their own original self.
  • Infuse them with love and tell them they are free, perfect and healed.
  • Visualise our whole being as one huge flame of Divine Light burning with vigourand purity, which burns and destroys all the weaknesses, fears and worries.
  • We exist at multiple levels of consciousness. And in our subtle, deeper and higher levels, we are all pure light, pure love, pure consciousness.
  • Visualise the form of Divine Mother standing in a white lotus, blessing and illuminating our entire being with love and light.
  • Stay in this state of consciousness even when we come out of this immersive meditation.
  • Our deeper realities are always present for us to experience the divinity within and around us.

The session ended with Dr Yogesh sharing a few suggestions, insights and reflections as follows:

  • All afflictions disappear when we are tuned into our deeper reality.
  • Be with the silence. Let the Divine Force take us to our inner self.
  • It's important to feel the Divine. The inner doors will open on its own and we will get what we need.
  • The experience is not imaginary. Your body and cells have participated in all that you went through in the meditation. You will see a tangible change in your body. That's the beauty of it.
  • The more we bring our body in connection with the Consciousness and live in that space of light and love, these so-called ‘allergies’ will transform and heal. You will see a tremendous difference in your allergy conditions such as rhinitis, cough, etc.
  • Your pains and aches will definitely disappear, because they are   accumulations of unconscious forms of energies in the body.
  • Healing will happen at a very deep level.
  •  From our side, we need to follow up and continue these practices regularly. It is with repeated inner experiences through listening to these meditations that things start healing.
  • Accept your infinite self. Identify yourself as the whole universe and so accept everybody around us as part of that oneness.
  • Feel unconditional love and oneness to accept everyone as they are. When you live in that state, slowly your inner being permeates into your outer being and you begin to see the miracles of healing starting to manifest in your lives at physical level also.
  • Allergies are the hyper-reaction of our immune system to something that need not be there. We need not have any fear, resistance or aversion to it and accept yourself and people as they are.
  • Life will become beautiful and blissful. Stay connected to your own being and continue these very simple meditations.
  • Do not underestimate the power of these experiences. These are profound experiences. Cherish them, nourish and nurture them.


“Both the sessions were highly impactful. In the gap between the 2 sessions, there was time to consciously reflect on our interconnectedness with everything in nature. The healing vibrations of the meditation practice lingered all the time and was very reassuring to my whole being – emotional, vital, mental and physical. Felt

grounded, loved and secured in the Divine embrace.”


“Gentle self-reminders to be conscious about the quality of my thoughts. Offering love and light to each cell, each organ of my body. Spending time in nature. Sun-gazing and salutations with deep reverence. Keeping the Divine Mother very close each moment. 
