Heal Yourself through Yoga Nidra

Start Date:26-Aug-2024

End Date:31-Aug-2024



Reflecting on the ‘Heal Yourself through Yoga Nidra in the Light of the Mother & Sri Aurobindo’ workshop, I am deeply moved by the transformative impact it has had on me in such a short period of time. Each session felt like a voyage into the depths of consciousness, masterfully guided by Veronik's soothing voice and the timeless wisdom of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo.

The Descent into Stillness

Entering each session, I felt like a ship setting sail on a stormy sea, burdened by the day's battles. My mind mirrored the turbulent waters, filled with doubts and fears lurking beneath the surface. Yet, as Veronik's calming voice began to guide us, a profound transformation unfolded. The chaos within began to settle, revealing a serene stillness.

Discovering Inner Balance

As the sessions progressed, I found myself able to identify and release tension from my body. The practice of rotating consciousness through different body parts became a powerful tool for achieving balance and harmony. Each breath brought a sense of equilibrium, allowing me to reconnect with my inner self.

Awakening to Light

One of the most profound experiences came during the session on ‘Formations of Light’. As we visualised light permeating our cells, I felt a tangible shift in my energy. Inspired, I penned these lines to capture the essence of the experience:

"I drifted in the silence, where the material grip could not reach, 

Suspended in the lightness, where my spirit soared on high, 

The stormy seas I was battling in the day, are now a memory, a distant lesson taught, 

For in the heart of stillness, I learned my soul is free to fly."

Cultivating Receptivity

The sessions on ‘State of High Receptivity’ and "’ources of Energy’opened new dimensions of awareness. I began to understand what the Mother meant by becoming "vast as the earth and even the universe." In this expanded state, I felt a deeper connection to the Divine Will, showing a wellspring of vitality within.


This workshop has been more than a series of relaxation techniques; it has been a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Through Yoga Nidra practice, we can learn to navigate the stormy seas of life with greater ease, finding an anchor in the stillness within. This experience has not only taught me valuable techniques but has awakened a deeper understanding of my inner potential for self-healing and spiritual evolution.

Special thanks to Veronik for her insightful guidance and to James for facilitating this transformative workshop. May the journey continue, enriched by the teachings of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo.



“There were moments when I could feel like having an "out of body" like experience.”

“Mental chattering did stop intermittently; and when mental chattering wasn't there, there was a feeling of the ‘nameless’ "

It's too early to say, as deep rooted issues have their own way of deluding; what I can say is that the clarity with which Ma'am conducted the workshop gives me the confidence that deep rooted healing is happening.”

“Learnt how to relax completely, which is the foundation of establishing Peace and the Peace is the foundation of Integral Yoga.”

“Had a very peaceful journey during the week. Praying the Mother for its continuation all the time.”

“Felt the presence of quietude and calm.”

“Felt overall good. Felt confidence that persistence of practice would bring about healing.”

Yes. It is easier to connect with the Mother and Sri Aurobindo in the state of complete calm.”
