Body and Mind in the Light of Integral Yoga

Start Date:05-Aug-2024

End Date:09-Aug-2024

Location:Online and Society House


AuroYajna continues the series of workshops titled "Towards Self Perfection” started in July 2021 as their first step towards Divine Life in Divine Body.

This series is based on Sri Aurobindo's message - "Divine Life cannot manifest without the Divine Body".

According to Sri Aurobindo, “Yoga is both – a path and the destination to a superior consciousness.” This month, AuroYajna is focusing on “Body and mind in the Light of Integral yoga”, The integrated body and mind are the prerequisites to understand the Integral Yoga as taught and established by Lord Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. Lets us come closer to the system of Integral yoga.

“There is nothing mind can do that cannot be better done in the mind's immobility and thought-free stillness.
When mind is still, then truth gets her chance to be heard in the purity of the silence.”

― Sri Aurobindo

SRI AUROBINDO has arranged everything so that my work becomes easy. Sri Aurobindo has the key to open this region of the Inconscience. He turns the key to open the door and illumines my way, and very gently I enter to infuse the Force, the Light and the Divine Ananda into the body of this inert and obscure matter. When it is touched by this transforming light, the atoms that constitute this matter awake to a New Con- sciousness. Like this the work continues and spreads or multiplies. You understand, Sri Aurobindo is the Soul of Matter, the aspiration of the whole humanity. He is the Light in Matter or the Spirit incarnated in Matter. Sri Aurobindo has separated himself from the Supreme and has plunged in this matter, in a body, with this load of incon- science and ignorance upon himself to awaken them to the divine life. For this he has invoked the Supreme, the Grace, to descend here below on this earth to help in his work. That is why, having heard his call, I have come down here into matter in a physical body, into this world of pain, suffering and death. And it is in the union of both of us that the world will witness gradually this miracle of a divine life. It is because of him that I have descended. It is this intense aspiration of matter from below that he has sent up and the Grace has responded by a descent. What a blessed hour for the earth. It is an occasion for a tremendous progress so that the whole universe may blossom in a great élan towards the goal of its existence. With our help which will be at its disposal and a will to pursue, what could be there that would be impossible to realise! This is the moment.

(The Supreme Conversations with the Mother recollected by Mona Sarkar, p. 68)

Registration Details:

Click here for registration.

Click here for more details.


Morning 6 am to 7:30 am— Practice session only

Evening 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm— Discussion, Q & A and Practices

For Registration:

Phone: +91 8056866627 

Email: [email protected]

Attend this session both online and live @ Sri Aurobindo Society, No. 11, St. Martin Street, Puducherry - 605 001, India.
