A Consciousness Approach to Menopause

Start Date:16-Aug-2024

End Date:16-Aug-2024



Menopause is a natural and important phase in a woman’s life during which she goes through many discomforts and disturbances at different levels of her being. This workshop on the state of Menopause from the perspective of Consciousness was a new and intriguing session for those keen to know more about holistic healing and the purification of consciousness. Although only attended by about 15 people, the session  was blessed with much conscious interaction.

The two-and-a-half hour’s session with Dr. Yogesh Mohan brought in many deeper insights, providing an understanding and sense of assurance about the instinctive intelligence and healing capabilities of one’s own body.

Our body is an absolute marvel of creation. Every part and every cell in our body is essentially divine in nature and hence can heal itself if we listen to it deeply. More than our environment and our surroundings, our emotions and experiences of life directly impact the cells of our body.  Everything that we feel emotionally, our cells also undergo the same experience in different ways. Hence it is important that we nurture a conscious way of thinking. Each system of the body can be changed just by purifying our way of thinking and letting go of emotions that bring us pain and suffering.

Our hormonal, glandular and endocrinal organs are highly sensitive to our emotional states and our thought-structures. Memories which have created a sense of sin, shame, hurt, etc. stay inside our cells in the physical body and in our subconscious being for a long time. These memories affect our physical, mental, vital and emotional being. To bring the body back to its normal physiology, we need to free the body from all these influences.

Healing needs an inner change in our attitude. We need to look at our body with love and a sense of gratitude. Our body is conscious, the cells are conscious, the organs are also conscious. It needs compassion and care.

The deeper secrets of healing start to show, once we purify the being. Gradually our body becomes receptive to the vibrations which come from the higher consciousness. When this happens, every system in the body starts coming back to normal. This is holistic healing and the entire body starts to recover.

Also, a daily routine of right nutrition, spending time with nature, a conscious way of sleeping and exercising adds immensely to our overall well-being.

With such deep insights, the participants then engaged in a guided meditation on gratitude, love and surrender.

The essence of this guided meditation was to:

•  Make an inner connection of genuine love, respect and gratitude towards each part of the body.

•  Offer unconditional love, assurance, compassion and care to our reproductive organs.

•  Hold a deep aspiration from the heart, from the depths of our psychic being and invoke the presence of the Divine Mother in our being.

•  Offer our pelvic organs, our uterus, our ovaries at Her service to be instruments of Her light. Surrender everything to the Divine and make the Divine Mother our friend, our constant companion.

•   Keep our mind on the Divine and allow Her force to heal our body



“I do believe in this power of healing.”

“I know I need to work on myself more, to experience this [less anxiety]

“Not much information was shared.”

“More tools needed for addressing various issues stemming from menopause. Not only meditation. Meditation even guided is the last tool to use only after addressing difficulties at physical level. Perhaps sharing of more tools at physical level would have given more help.”.
