An Introduction to Qi Gong and Six Healing Sounds

Start Date:02-Jul-2024

End Date:05-Jul-2024



A first hand report from a participant

I recently attended the QiGong and Six Healing Sounds sessions conducted by Sri  Amit Bhatia. The 4- day workshop was very informative.  He meticulously guided us through the 3 energy-centres in the body and how to meditate on each centre.  I had enjoyed doing Qigong in the past, but having learnt only from YouTube, there were always some unanswered questions. So, learning the basics of Qigong was very helpful. Along with some body movements to activate Qi i.e. energy in the body, he also taught us the six healing sounds connected to 6 different organs in the body.  The sounds help us to release the negative emotions through the exhalation and breathe in the positive emotions, thereby healing that organ in the body. It was a very in-depth and very interactive workshop. 
