Poster Exhibition on ‘Our Sweet Mother’

Start Date:22-Apr-2024

End Date:15-May-2024

Location:Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Kendra, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat


A poster exhibition curated by the BhāratShakti team is currently on display at the Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Kendra, Vallabh Vidyanagar in Gujarat. Dr. Rajeshwari Singh, President of the Sadhana Kendra had requested for some meaningful content for a special display they were planning for April 24th Darshan programme.

The 14-poster exhibition on the theme – ‘Our Sweet Mother’ highlights selected words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother which help bring the Divine Mother closer to her children.

The exhibition highlights that the Mother had been spiritually conscious from her youth, and that Her Force is not only above the summit of the being, but works in each of us whenever we open ourselves to Her and call for Her Force and Light.

Another poster also speaks of the Mother’s way of initiating someone, while one more reminds us of the inner meaning and significance of different photographs of the Mother.

The content further explores Sri Aurobindo’s description of the Four Great Powers of the Mother – Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, and Mahasaraswati. Some more of the Master’s words are highlighted to indicate that the Mother is one in many forms, and that She is not only one, but the physical Mother contains all the others in herself.

The selection of appropriate passages was done by Dr. Beloo Mehra and the designing of the exhibition posters was done by Ms. Biswajita Mohapatra of the BhāratShakti team.

Click here for watch a small video of the exhibition.
