Aspiration in Yogic Practices

Start Date:12-Feb-2024

End Date:16-Feb-2024

Location:Online and on campus

Institute:AuroYajna, Puducherry

AuroYajna continues the series of workshops titled "Towards Self Perfection” started in July 2021 as their first step towards Divine Life in Divine Body.

This series is based on Sri Aurobindo's message - "Divine Life cannot manifest without the Divine Body".

 Part 1 of the series is "Perfection of the Body".

To have the body as a perfect instrument, every system of the body, viz. the digestive system, the neurological system, the cardiovascular system, and each body organ needs to be perfected and in harmony amongst themselves. 

This month, AuroYajna is bringing forward the Aspiration aspect of The Mother into Yogic practices.

We can, simply by a sincere aspiration, open a sealed door in us and find … that Something which will change the whole significance of life, reply to all our questions, solve all our problems and lead us to the perfection we aspire for without knowing it, to that Reality which alone can satisfy us and give us lasting joy, equilibrium, strength, life … … If you are in a state of conscious aspiration and very sincere, well, everything around you will be arranged in order to help in your aspiration, whether directly and indirectly, that is, either to make you progress, put you in touch with something new, or to eliminate from your nature something that has to disappear.

-The Mother on Integral Yoga                                                         Questions and Answers 1957-58, pp. 374-75

For more details:

Click here for full details. 

Click here for Registration.


Morning 6 to 7:30 am— Practice session only

Evening 4 to 5:15 pm— Discussion, Q & A and Practices

For Registration:
M:+91 8056866627 

Email:[email protected]

Attend this session both online and live @ Sri Aurobindo Society, No. 11, St. Martin Street, Puducherry - 605 001, India.
