Individual and Family: Insights from the Social Thought of Sri Aurobindo

Start Date:22-Dec-2022

End Date:22-Dec-2022

Location:Society House


As part of its series – ‘Reawakening the Bhārata Shakti: Toward an Indian Renaissance,’ the Renaissance-AuroBharati team is organising a lecture-discussion event.  

Ms. Lakshmi Jyothi has been invited to deliberate on the topic: “Individual and Family: Insights from the Social Thought of Sri Aurobindo.” The lecture-discussion will help us appreciate a few aspects of our collective life in the light of Sri Aurobindo, by focusing on the deeper dimensions of the relation between individual and family.

Scheduled for Thursday December 22, 2022, this event will be held at the Beach Office, Sri Aurobindo Society (Board Room on 2nd Floor). Timings are: 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM

All are welcome!

About the speaker:

A third-generation follower of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, Lakshmi Jyothi has a particularly deep interest in the sociological, cultural and political thought of Sri Aurobindo. She has studied these areas extensively and given talks on various topics at SACAR, Sri Aurobindo's Action and other organisations. She regularly writes and curates for Sri Aurobindo's Action journal and has also designed workshops and retreats. With a Masters in Tourism Administration from Pondicherry University, she has held senior positions in this field of work in both public and private sectors.

For more information click here.

For more details contact: Dr. Beloo Mehra @ [email protected]
