AuroYajna continues the series of workshops titled "Towards Self Perfection” started in July 2021 as their first step towards Divine Life in Divine Body.
This series is based on Sri Aurobindo's message - "Divine Life cannot manifest without the Divine Body".
Part 1 of the series is "Perfection of the Body".
To have the body as a perfect instrument, every system of the body, viz. the digestive system, the neurological system, the cardiovascular system, and each body organ needs to be perfected and in harmony amongst themselves.
This month AuroYajna is doing part two of the October month workshop Know Thyself in order to take the study and practices of the topic within the bodily systems and relate the same with the extended selves of the Body Divine around us.
I have already indicated in a previous message a relative perfection of the physical consciousness in the body and of the mind, the life, the character which it houses as, no less than an awakening and development of the body's own native capacities, a desirable outcome of the exercises and practices of the physical culture to which we have commenced to give in this Ashram a special attention and scope. A development of the physical consciousness must always be a considerable part of our aim, but for that the right development of the body itself is an essential element; health, strength, fitness are the first needs, but the physical frame itself must be the best possible. A divine life in a material world implies necessarily a union of the two ends of existence, the spiritual summit and the material base. The soul with the basis of its life established in Matter ascends to the heights of the Spirit but does not cast away its base, it joins the heights and the depths together. The Spirit descends into Matter and the material world with all its lights and glories and powers and with them fills and transforms life in the material world so that it becomes more and more divine.
-Sri Aurobindo,
Bulletin, April 1949, p. 2-26
Click here for full details.
For registration please click here.
Morning 6 am to 7:30 am — Practice session only
Evening 4 pm to 5:15 pm — Discussion, Q & A and Practices
For more details, please contact:
M: +91 8056866627
Email [email protected]
Attend this session both online and live @ Sri Aurobindo Society, No. 11, St. Martin Street, Puducherry - 605 001, India.