Stay Hungry

Start Date:22-Feb-2021

End Date:23-Feb-2021

Location:Online and Society House, Pondicherry


Learn about un-fooding & energy cultivation towards physical freedom with Elitom El-Amin, internationally-acknowledged expert on prolonged fasting and living on prana. Set your life transforming goals and join this unique retreat.

Enrol either for the oncampus or online session on 22 and 23 February 2021.  The workshop will take you through Education on different types of safe fasting & how to get started; Retraining the mind and reconditioning the body, Self healing, DOs and DONTs to energy shift and transforming yourself in a strong & healthy way; Meditations & physical exercises for energy cultivation; Activated senses, greater capacities & how to deal with them; Prolonged fasting and Super Humanity; breatharian lifestyle & philosophy; Human photosynthesis

Elitom El Amin is an an author of several books, online courses and shares his knowledge and experience worldwide live, online & in private sessions; guest Speaker of Pranic Festival in India.

For more details, click here.

To register click here.


Email:  [email protected]

Mobile:  8870813888
