[Important Announcement to all the Applicants of our Annual IE Course (dated May 05, 2020):
The Covid-19 induced lock-down has now been extended further till 18th May, with some relaxation, but still a large number of areas are under great threat. In order to contain the threat and to get back to a semblance of normalcy, all of us have to avoid any possible way of coming under the influence of the virus. We have to ensure this in the midst of several responsibilities as taking care of the security and safety of our family members, our dependents etc. Considering all this, we have decided to suspend this year’s summer Course on Integral Education, scheduled to be held from 10 to 18 May 2020.
Those who have applied for this year’s Course will be considered and given preference during our next year’s Course.
We are also considering other ways of reaching out to a large number of educationists seeking for a deeper understanding of the Integral Education approach. We hope to engage them online and we will announce it on our website as and when it is ready.
Until then stay safe: Outwardly, follow the recommended safety procedures, and inwardly by drawing out the strength & power inherent within all of us to conquer this virus. – Shivakumar, Course Co-ordinator.]
Event: Basic Course in Integral Education – Theory and Approaches
Date: May 10-18, 2020
Venue: Society House, Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry
Course Contribution: Rs. 5,000/-
Last date for applying: March 20, 2020 (under hold, see the note at the beginning)
Organised by: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Education and Research (SAFIER) – An initiative of Sri Aurobindo Society
Sri Aurobindo Society has been conducting annual workshops on Integral Education for the last 33 years. This year, it will be organized under the title ‘Basic Course in Integral Education – Theory and Approaches’ from 10 to 18 May 2020, for in-service teachers, school principals, administrators, trustees and parents caring for children in the age group of 3-12 years (Pre-Primary and Primary level). Study, discussions, exchange of ideas, and ways and means of implementing the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Integral Education will be taken up.
You can download the following by clicking on the respective links: Info-brochure containing the full details of this Basic Course. It is mandatory for the applicants to read this very carefully before applying.

The candidates have to fill-up the application form directly online or download in MsWord Format and submit at the following address by email/courier:
Shivakumar – Workshop Coordinator
Sri Aurobindo Society – Society House
No.11, St. Martin Street, Puducherry – 605 001.
M: +91-94426-25637
If by E-mail: [email protected]
The completed application forms should reach us latest by 20 March 2020.
Selection will be intimated latest by 25 March 2020.
Course Fee: On selection, the participants will have to register themselves by paying a Course Contribution of Rs. 5,000/-.
Intensive Workshop in 'Art in Education – Approaches & Practice'
Date: May 19-22, 2020
Venue: Society House, Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry
Course Contribution: Rs. 3,000/-
Followed by the above Basic Course in integral Education, there will be an additional, optional, 'Art in Education' workshop for those primary level teachers & educationists who are doing the above Basic Course in Integral Education with us! Those Primary level teachers & educationists who have attended our earlier workshop also can apply.
Download the full Workshop Info Brochure here. Download the Application Form in MsWord Format here.
Submit the filled-up Application Form at the following address by email/courier:
Priti – Workshop Coordinator
Sri Aurobindo Society – Society House
No.11, St. Martin Street, Puducherry – 605 001.
M: +91-93127 15557, If by E-mail: [email protected]
Those who are applying for both the workshops, the completed application forms should reach us latest by 7 April 2020 (revised date due to the Corona pandemic). Selection will be intimated over two rounds: first round of selection will complete latest by 27th March and we will inform the applicants at once, and the second round of selection will happen by 10th April for the late applicants.