Start Date:21-Nov-2018

End Date:23-Nov-2018

Location:Society House, Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry

Institute:Women’s Council

“We give the name ‘psychic’ to the psychological centre of our being, the seat within us of the highest truth of our existence, that which can know this truth and set it in movement. It is therefore of capital importance to become conscious of its presence in us, to concentrate on this presence until it becomes a living fact for us and we can identify ourselves with it.”


Women’s Council of Sri Aurobindo Society, working for women empowerment, organized its Annual Seminar, titled ‘The Psychic Centre’, on November 21–23, 2018, at Puducherry.

Around 50 delegates from India and abroad participated in the Seminar, which included talks, experiential activities and exercise sessions which centred on the theme of the Seminar.

The early morning session on all the three days started with rhythmic movements by Datta, followed by the Mother’s recorded music titled ‘Marching in Search of the Soul’.

Shri Vijay Poddar introduced the subject. The delegates had an ‘Experiential Journey’ with Harvinder. An interactive session with Dr Alok Pandey and therapeutic exercises with Akhila were value additions for the first day’s programme.

The second day’s first session enlightened all the participants further on the topic of the Psychic Centre with the different talks given by prominent speakers such as Dr Arati, Dr Maya Kirpalani and Shri Sushanto. The day continued with talks by Meena, Kalaimani and Sharda of Chengalpet branch. Sharda Goenka shared her day-to-day experiences and Padma spoke on the Psychic Influence in practical life.

The third day began with a video on Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati aspects of the Mother. Krishna Modi presented a session on the ‘significance of flowers’ as given by the Mother, Angira read passages from Savitri (epic poem by Sri Aurobindo), Rajendran added on the Mother’s reminiscences and finally James elaborated on guidance of truth consciousness. The day ended with cultural activities and distribution of the Mother’s prasad and the book ‘Union with the Divine’.


“It is through this psychic presence that the truth of an individual being comes into contact with him and the circumstances of his life.”
