In-service Teacher Education Camp for Primary School Teachers (DSE, Puducherry)

Start Date:19-Sep-2018

End Date:24-Sep-2018

Location:District Institute of Education and Training (DIET), Lawspet, Puducherry


A three-day Teacher Education Camp on “Innovative Pedagogical Interventions & Creative Teaching Aptitude” was held on September 19, 20 & 24, 2018, at the District Institute of Education and Training (DIET), Lawspet, in Puducherry for In-service Teachers working with the Directorate of School Education (DSE), Puducherry. Thirty participants underwent a transcendental journey via this camp on creative learning approach to Integral Education. The programme was developed by Theatre Arts in Education practitioner Ravi Shankar and was facilitated, along with Education Enthusiasts Kiran, Hrishikesh and C. N. Shanker, as an additional part of Sri Aurobindo Society’s transformative initiatives started as Rupantar.

The camp provided all the participants a wider perspective on the aspects of Education and its role in the times we live in today. Participants enjoyed experiencing the process of creative teaching through project works based on theatre and visual arts. The entire process sensitized them towards their role as compassionate and creative teachers and elevated them to the summit of their consciousness. The process of exploring the contextual and creative approach to integrated learning processes connected them to their inner realm of unitive qualities. Finally, the programme culminated with deeper reflection, which resulted in chalking out their plan of action in regard to using all the innovative practices explored during these three days, to foster the integral development of the students. With the vibrations of renewed enthusiasm, joy and perspectives, they celebrated their valediction.

Excerpts from the Feedback

It is very empowering. It gives more positivity. It made me come out of my hesitations and opened my heart and mind. Very peaceful and really made us think. We experienced and learnt many things, not simply by words. Learnt more and felt happy to be a part of this camp. It will be very helpful in my profession. Surely, these Pedagogical Interventions will change our education system in a positive way. It makes us think beyond the book, to go deeper into the context and widen. In my school, I have a child named Rebecca. She loves dance a lot. When she was in class 1, I always encouraged and praised her a lot. But in the next class, due to some outer pressure, I forced her to study more. I didn't encourage her much to dance. So, her interest towards learning also decreased. I can use these Interventions to make a happy learning. Not only for her, but for all students. Collective work gives more experiences and change. Lakshmi. S, Savarayalu Nayagar Govt. Girls Primary School

Integrated multi-sensory approach is very useful for the change in our Education system. This will create new methodologies . . .I learnt to use all the factors to make learning effective. Physical, mental and emotional aspects need to be covered and more importance should be given to children’s interest. I am going to plan a project-based and activity-oriented teaching. – R. Kaliaperumal, GPS, Karuvadikuppam

The play way and role play methods can bring more change in our present Education system. R. Arun Kumar, GPS, Vennilanayar

I am very happy to be a part of this training programme. I learnt about the drama techniques using human resources. I have decided to use these techniques in my day-to-day teaching. – K. Magueswari GPS, Sedarapet

I have learnt to be creative and how to help children to be the same. Play way method using crafts, discarded materials and creating new innovative crafts relevant to the subjects. Learning numbers through games and postures, images and drama, etc., was very helpful and joyful. My plan of action is to execute the ideas among the students and to help them become more creative. It will help them think by themselves and act accordingly to shine in their lives. – J. Jasper Falici, GPS, Mangalam

It is a joyful training. Yoga exercises and games boosted our energy. Drama is a very beautiful learning method. It is a stress-free training. K. Amudha, GPS, Salai Street

Children will enjoy the classroom environment with this pedagogy. The concept of each lesson will be deep in their minds by this method. Instead of rushing the subjects, curriculum and syllabus, we should observe the mental status of a child. If we take this pedagogy to our classrooms, children will feel free and participate fully in all activities. I will follow the method of forming images for each content. R. Thamizhselvi, GPS, Thiruvandatkoil

I got new ideas, experiences and learnings after attending this three-days Teacher Empowerment Camp. I like the approach of the resource person. He gave us new ideas of a stress-free life for children and teachers. This is a new way of meeting the expected learning outcomes. K. Senthil, GPS, Kirumampakkam

This three days training was full of enjoyment, happiness, creative thinking and laughter. Very knowledgeable and enjoyable. V. Sathiya, GPS, Sedarapet

Nowadays, the Education system is all about mere mugging up. Each student has some unique talents, but the system makes them focus on scoring more marks. Learning by doing and activity-based approach create more interest . . . This type of method is very useful to understand the concept, theme, etc., and is child centred, which makes learning happen automatically. N. Aroul Radji, GPS, Sinnaiyanpet

This training was really superb. I enjoyed it very much. It was informative and practical. Play way method is very useful for my students. I liked this method of teaching which is full of playing and learning . . .I have attended several trainings before but I can't recall any of them having such great impact. R. Shanmugapriya, GPS, Jeevanandapuram

This is really a wonderful training. I felt very relaxed. Generally most trainings are usually based on lectures or talks of resource persons or else it is sharing of knowledge or day-to-day practices. This one is different in nature. That's why I liked it very much. Multi-sensory approach can be used in school. This would help teachers to relate with various aspects of student's day-to-day life. Sensitizing children, will make them grasp what they have to learn more effectively and this will also help them to apply in their life. When we teach through this approach our students will be able to meet their learning outcomes because everything will be given through play way or action-based learning. I would like to incorporate the dramatization approach because through this, students will remember the concept as story. Learning will be long-lasting and will also help to identify other talents of children. V. Sarada, GPS, Katterikuppam

It is a very beautiful experience of getting a very deep and innovative teaching technique for my students. In these three days, I had a sense of improving better regarding my student’s emotional aspects of learning. It's been a pleasure to be a part of this programme. But still, if there is continuity, it will be more useful. M. Margaratte Rosy, GPS, Solai Nagar

A very useful programme that makes us think and feel differently. It makes us an energetic & creative person and paved the way to involve my students through creative methods. Whatever I learnt here was something new from all the previous training programmes. K. Sundari, GPS, Koravelimedu
