Day One
The workshop began with an introduction to the transformative power of love as embodied in Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri. Savitri’s confrontation with Death symbolised Love’s ultimate victory over darkness. The facilitator, Neelesh Marik encouraged reflections on spiritual journeys and the role of Integral Yoga in transcending death and achieving inner transformation.
Day Two
The session explored dual perspectives on death: nature's view of death as an antagonist and the soul & view of death as a step in life’s evolution. Referencing The Life Divine, Marik highlighted how death and life are interconnected within the cosmic cycle. The participants discussed the illusion of separation created by ego and the need to transcend this illusion for spiritual growth.
Day Three
The session examined Death’s role as a force of negation in evolution. The participants discussed the ego’s divisive tendencies and Death’s use of half-truths to evoke fear and hopelessness. Savitri’s unwavering love was highlighted as a beacon of transformation, inspiring courage and surrender in facing the inner shadows.
Day Four
Participants explored Death’s arguments in Savitri, which leveraged philosophical truths to mislead. Death framed human love as selfish and mortal existence as inadequate. The discussions focused on discerning true love from attachments and aligning love with spiritual consciousness.
Day Five
The session analysed Death’s strategies, including the use of despair and guilt to hinder spiritual progress. Neelesh Marik guided participants in understanding how love, when aligned with Truth, transcends these tactics. Savitri’s triumph over Death illustrated the transformative power of love rooted in divine consciousness.
Day Six
This session focused on the transformative potential of suffering. The participants shared personal experiences of despair, leading to spiritual breakthroughs. The session highlighted growth through suffering and the importance of surrendering to divine Grace to navigate challenges on the spiritual path.
Day Seven
The theme shifted to humanity’s readiness for divine Love. The group reflected on the interplay between Truth and Love, with Truth as the foundation for receiving divine Ananda (bliss). Neelesh Marik emphasised the importance of inner purification and alignment with Truth to prepare for the descent of divine Love.
Day Eight
Participants explored Savitri’s rebuttal to Death, focusing on her transparency and unwavering love. Discussions centred on the metaphysical symbolism of Death as an entity cloaked in shadows and deceit and Savitri’s embodiment of humanity’s future potential.
Day Nine
The session emphasised overcoming death through effort and surrender in Integral Yoga. Effort (Tapasya) involves clearing layers of conditioning, while surrender allows the Divine Mother to guide transformation. The participants reflected on balancing these complementary approaches.
Day Ten
The concluding session focused on individual transformation as the precursor to collective evolution. Challenges and adversities were reframed as opportunities for spiritual growth. The participants were encouraged to cultivate unwavering faith and trust in the Mother’s guidance to overcome inner adversaries and embrace divine transformation.
Throughout the workshop, there was a deep sense of gratitude and reverence for the teachings and the transformative potential they held. The participants expressed their appreciation, noting how the insights gained had started to affect their everyday lives, heightening their awareness of subtle spiritual movements.
Many shared a sense of beginning a deeper, ongoing process of spiritual growth, even as they acknowledged the vastness of the teachings and the long road ahead.
The group reflected on how the experience had already begun to shift their understanding and approach to their Sadhana, with a renewed focus on inner guidance and the support of the Divine.The session explored dual perspectives on death: nature &view of death as an antagonist and the soul & view of death as a step in life’s evolution. Referencing The Life Divine, Marik highlighted how death and life are interconnected within the cosmic cycle. The participants discussed the illusion of separation created by ego and the need to transcend this illusion for spiritual growth.
“There were multi-dimensional insights. There is a lot to assimilate and absorb and the workshop has kindled the fire to dive deep into it.”
“Knowledge gained at the intellectual level is now to be assimilated and applied at an experiential level through Divine Grace and self aspiration.”
“Very professional presentation and very empathetic guide to all the participants.”
“I felt that it is best to let the divine work through me while I make the sincerest aspiration from my side with all uncontrived humility. I felt somewhat that the guidance seemed to resonate with my inner calling.”
“Very cordial. There was an immediate bond with all the participants. We are now a family.”
“Very collaborative...excellent.”
[Reading Savitri in entirety?]
“Yes, but parts know them as living forms of Guidance. This workshop helped me to face parts that were difficult to face and absorb due to previous earlier health 17...that brought the path right in front of me...but a long journey....”
“Yes, as a student of literature I am keen to take it up for both semantic and syntactical essence with a complete understanding of the symbolism and imagery.
As a psychotherapist, I am keen to understand and apply the nuances of psychological nuance and as a sadhaka, I am inspired to soak into surrender for the love of the Divine.”
“Even though I’d read the Saavitri a few times, this workshop imprinted the symbolism between Savitri & Death.”
“Started the process of being more aware of twilight thoughts & deathlike suggestions that arise in my consciousness & dealing with them.”
“Safe and conducive to sharing personal experiences & difficulties faced on the path of the yoga more.”
“Gained a much deeper understanding of the topic due to the brilliant structuring by Neelesh.”
“Was able to view my actions, thoughts and ego from a higher and more objective perspective.”
“James introductions were excellent and on point.”
“There was much to reflect upon and integrate - perhaps a few days in-between each session would have been helpful. But in general, best workshop NAMAH has hosted. Please do invite Neelesh to conduct additional workshops in 2025. Thanks James, for all that you and NAMAH do for the community.”