Prayer of Our Cells

Start Date:14-Jan-2025

End Date:16-Jan-2025



Shweta Rajurkar’s sessions on ‘The Prayer of Our Cells, which ’ spread over three days, were an experiential journey in opening to the power of The Divine Mother’s Prayers, that are inhabited with Her very Presence, Light and Her Consciousness-Force, which can heal, guide, protect and transform.

The Mother’s prayers spread across three sessions followed an ascending progression.

As Shweta initiated this pilgrimage through the power of Mother’s Prayers, it opened a gateway to plunge into the power and sanctity of the present moment and enabled the aspirants to intuitively connect to their aspirations for their body, connect to the breath, connect to the rhythmic flow of the mantra‘, OM’ and Om Namo Bhagavate, connect to the core of their cells and turn their being towards the light and presence of the Divine, connect to the poise of surrender with the utmost spirit of self-giving and make of their body a field for the Divine to manifest itself and its Grace.

While the insightful experiences of the Mother’s (as chronicled in Agenda) provided the foundation for the session, the Prayers of the Mother became the life-force of the session with Shweta intermittently weaving into the session meditative practices.

Session 1

Session 1 initiated the practice of harnessing the power of breath as a purifier to cleanse the body, as the body is the most sacred place to do this sadhana …. that of uniting with the Divine. Considering that the body is many-layered, it becomes imperative to usher in a sense of harmony before diving in to connect with the cells and the Presence therein.

The sessions commenced with the facilitator orienting the aspirants to connect to their awareness, stay grounded in an inwardness and feel and experience the movement of breath and the rhythm of the chant ‘OM’, which provides an anchoring, prefacing the journey into Her Light.

The significance of the mantra ‘OM’ is described by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as follows. While Sri Aurobindo refers to “Om“ as “Brahman”, the Mother refers to ‘OM’ as the signature of the Lord.

While the body attunes itself to the rhythm of breath and the constant refrain of the mantra ‘OM’, the aspirants were asked to set their highest aspiration for their body, and its spiritual evolution, given that the body is a sacred vessel, a gift bequeathed by the Divine.

In the presence of the Supreme Divine that one has invoked in the cave of the heart, one opens, offering the entire body to the Supreme, offering all thoughts, emotions ,vibrations, all of the body’s layers and parts, beyond the sense of beauty or deformity, beyond the sense of strength and weakness, .to be fully touched by the Grace of Mother’s Presence.

Shweta pointed out that as the body gets accustomed to a state of harmony, overriding joys and sorrows, a true peace that exists beneath all sensations emerge, enabling the being to be anchored in the poise of Samata.

Whatever sensations, thoughts and feelings that arise as belongings of this body, is held up above, to the light of The Divine Mother, the Supreme Lord as all belongs to the Divine. All disturbances are met with the strength of faith in the Mother’s Presence behind all things.

Session 1: Prayer 1 (Click the pdf to view)


Session 1: Prayer 2 (Click the pdf to view)



Session 2

Ms. Shweta initiated the aspirants to invoke the sacred chant ‘OM’ as a base for the next exploratory session and connect to the quality and feeling of vastness.

Vastness is the nature of the Divine and  Shweta referred to it as the abode of the Divine.

The session rested on practices that were both subtle and immersive in nature, ranging from chanting the three syllables “A-U-M” separately, feeling the flow of vibration filling the different parts of the body to culminating in chanting the entire mantra ‘OM’ as a symbol of the Divine, as one entity, as one Force….

One becomes aware of the whole body being, touched by the wave of the sound ‘OM’, as it moves….opening with a force, all blockages, reservations and resistances. The body simply becomes a flute in its entirety, to be touched and nurtured by The Divine. Attuning to the Presence of the Divine, to a sense of beauty coupled with humility is crucial throughout the process.

The seekers were guided to see the body from a witness poise…. observing the sensations that are opening in different parts of the body, without any reservation, with a sense of equality,

offering all the sensations to the all-pervading Divine, surrounding, supporting and holding them in the form of a vastness.

Ms. Shweta shared the words of the Mother about the mantra…“Om Namo Bhagavate”.

The Mother says, “ Things are tolerable only when I am turned exclusively towards the Divine and the material consciousness repeats ‘Om Namo Bhagavate’…Like that. Like a backdrop to everything.”

……..The Mother’s Agenda.

As the session plunged into the realm of Mother’s Prayer, once again the aspirants were urged to make an offering of all of their acts and the fruits of the acts to the Divine, without holding on to guilt or pride… with the poise of consecrating one’s entire life and acts to the Divine.

Session 2: Prayer 1 (Click the pdf to view)


Session 2: Prayer 2 (Click the pdf to view)


Ms. Shweta paved the way for the participants to actually feel and experience the lightness and joy of the being when it surrenders to the Divine for all its needs, by guiding them to take their awareness through their body, requesting all the cells to ask for all their needs… be they physical or emotional, to be fulfilled only by the Supreme Divine.

Shweta emphasised the need to intuitively connect with one’s wants and desires, lodged beneath one’s conscious awareness and bring them to Light to be offered to the Divine. In the heart of each cell there needs to lie an imperishable faith, in the kindness and mercy of the Divine’s support.

Session 2: Prayer 3 (Click the pdf to view)


Day 2-Session 2: Prayer 4 (Click the pdf to view)


Session 3

Session three witnessed a deeper plunge into the prayers and also of bringing into one’s open awareness the nuances of the movements of consciousness, as is expressed by the Mother Herself in Agenda. Mother’s experiences of the nuanced movements of consciousness in her body formed the fount of inspiration for the practice session that followed.

Shweta guided the participants to explore the nuances of the movements of consciousness, starting with the poise of invoking Mother’s Presence at the core of the heart, by creating a seat for Her.

One is initiated to connect deeply within the heart centre, and open oneself to the possibility of feeling Mother’s presence established therein, concretely and feel the pressure of Her feet touch the heart, experiencing an embodied sense of nearness to Her.

Attuning to the movement of the in-breath and out-breath, one moves into the practice of chanting, ‘Om’ with the in-breath and chanting ‘MA’ with the out-breath in a gathered poise.

One is guided to be in awareness of the sensations in the body.

With each in-breath, one experiences and becomes aware of the contraction of the body as when the whole body is gathered together, and all the cells of the body come towards the heart to hug Mother and feel the joy pervading the body.

With the out-breath, one feels the sensation of expansion and diffusion.

A vertical contraction from above down also brings within its fold the experience of the cells rushing towards Her followed by an expansion and diffusion.

One connects deeply immersing in the experience of the whole body being grasped by the loving rhythm of the chants and the movements of consciousness within.

To quote Mother’s words, ”a limitless movement…very vast and calm …the movement of life itself throbbing within each and every cell of the body …, rushing, contracting, getting concentrated only in the Divine and expanding and diffusing itself “

The session moved on to the phase of opening oneself integrally, opening each cell of the body to the force and light of each of the following prayers, suffused with the Mother’s consciousness. The cells open without any reservations, to feel the joy as they immerse themselves in each word of the prayer.

Session 3: Prayer 1 (Click the pdf to view)


Session 3: Prayer 2 (Click the pdf to view)


Session 3: Prayer 3 (Click the pdf to view)


The session closed with two prayers that encapsulate the greatness of the Divine and His Omnipotent Presence as Existence, Consciousness, Bliss and Truth…. and as the Presence that inhabits all and conquers all.

Session 3: Prayer 4 (Click the pdf to view)


Session 3: Prayer 5 (Click the pdf to view)


To sum up, the three sessions of ‘The Prayer of Our Cells’ facilitated a movement of consciousness to bask in the Grace, Light and Love of the Mother’s Prayers, which are star-scripts of Her Divine Consciousness-Force.


“I felt very light and joyous.”

“It's not that the body is free of its problems but I am more alert aware, vigilant of what's happening and maybe hidden issues are surfacing.”

“It helped me more to connect within. It was an amazing peaceful workshop.”


The platform was reliable, accessible and easy to use

The audio and visual connection was good

What did you benefit from most in this workshop?

“Peace, oneness with the Supreme Almighty and connect deep within with awareness.”

[Benefit from most?]

1) Om Chanting (consisting of 3 syllables ah ... uoo, and maa) thus connecting to the vastness of the Mother. In-breath chanting om, out-breath ma.

2.Om Namo Baghavathe chanting maintaining

3) 3-fold awareness:

a. Awareness of the breath

 b.Awareness of the body parts

 c. Awareness of the mantra Penetrating into the cells of the body parts3.Body as an offering to the divine vastness

4.The pairs of prayers - in French Original, followed by English Translation

 5. The quotes from The Mother.

“It was very good, clear explanation and guidance.”

“This workshop was different from previous online workshops that I attended since it opened me to Mother's prayers which are immemorial.”

“This workshop is timeless. It's been a few days since the workshop ended, but I keep going back to the recordings, something which I was not doing for previous workshops. The reason is that these prayers being timeless listening them again isn't mechanical but something more is attained.”

“This workshop yields itself for further study both intensive and extensive as well… One can pick up various threads for further learning and progress. The whole process, which began as a humble offering to the Divine, proceeded towards various progressive stages before the recitation of the cell prayer. Though, I had recited these prayers earlier, this workshop had taught me the systematic way of preparation of the Body (The Temple where The Divine dwells) filling the body parts with om .. om namo baghavathe ,as backdrop, thus infusing more Life, Peace, Rhythm and Joy into the Cell Prayer.”

“The spiritual experience is augmented by the homogeneous blend of the French Original and the English translation, thereby creating a unique rhythm. The prayers began as short ones on the first day leading to several lines in a cluster on the final day.”

“Each time I recollect the experience or listen to the recordings I was able to focus on different practices, thereby increasing the realms of Divine Mother's consciousness.”

“The atmosphere was charged with the Divine Mother's presence; One could feel the Maheswari aspect of the Mother,especially on the first day.”

“An aura of Divine Love and peace Silence Penetrating into every part of my being.”“Soothing. Inspired me to dig much deeper into Mother's work.”

“Calming. Serene.”
