Photography and Videography Workshop

Start Date:03-Sep-2024

End Date:04-Sep-2024

Location:Society House


From 3rd to 4th September 2024, two half-day workshops on the basics of photography and videography were organised by the AuroMedia team at the STEM Room and SAS Main Hall. The event had 25 participants, mainly from the SVARNIM Puducherry team, alongside members from the AURA and AUROYAJNA teams.

On the first day, the workshop began with a theoretical session led by S. Bharat, who introduced participants to the fundamentals of photography, including key elements like subject composition, lighting, lines, and distance. Participants were engaged with various examples, demonstrating these concepts in action. Shruti later delved into the technical side, explaining how the camera interacts with light to form an image. She concluded the day with an interactive session where participants identified issues in displayed photographs.

The second day was dedicated to practical application, addressing participant queries and offering hands-on experience in photography. Groups were divided among S. Bharat, Ramajayam, and Shruti. Practical lessons included handling video cameras, exploring various shots and angles, shooting interviews using mobile phones and microphones, and taking candid, portrait, action, and group photographs. Participants were encouraged to create their own subjects and activities, using the techniques they had learned to capture these through both photography and videography.

Throughout the sessions, the participants actively engaged, asked numerous questions, and demonstrated a keen interest in the art of photography and videography. The workshop concluded successfully, leaving participants with valuable knowledge and skills to enhance their future projects.

Feedback Highlights:

Participant 1: The workshop was informative and engaging, providing a solid foundation in photography and videography.

Participant 2: The workshop will benefit our future programmes, and I appreciate the opportunity to learn from AuroMedia.

Participant 3: Before the workshop, I only knew how to press the button to take a photo. Now, I understand critical elements like ISO, shutter speed, and aperture.

Participant 4: Thank you for encouraging experimentation with different angles and lighting. I look forward to improving further.

Participant 5: The workshop covered photography basics and provided valuable insights into mobile and video camera usage.

Participant 6: The AuroMedia team explained the concepts well and answered all participant questions thoroughly.

Participant 7: The programme sparked an interest in cinematic photography, and I hope to attend more sessions in the future.

The event was a valuable and enriching experience, leaving participants eager to apply their new skills to upcoming projects.
