Open to the Mother's Love Always

Start Date:03-Oct-2024

End Date:05-Oct-2024



The workshop had a fascinating approach to overcome the common struggle with the start-stop nature of spiritual practices. Instead of viewing practice as something to begin and end, it offered a new perspective — how to effortlessly and seamlessly maintain a continual spiritual engagement throughout the day.  It requires commitment and effort but the opportunity for that state is present.

This approach made spiritual practice feel more like a way of being rather than another task on the ‘to-do’ list. The foundational practice introduced was simple, calming and incredibly practical. It involved conscious breathing and the silent inward repetition of "Ma," which could be done anytime, anywhere. Over the three days, the workshop focused on three key themes: Self-Giving, Gratitude and Union, each one explored deeply to align with the Love and Presence of the Divine Mother. 

What was most impactful was how the workshop encouraged the participants to continue these practices well beyond the sessions, making the practices a seamless part of their daily life. The emphasis on self-giving, gratitude and union provided a holistic path for spiritual growth, leaving one feeling of more connected, open and in tune with the Divine Mother’s Love. 


“The aftermath of the workshop still lingers with a feeling of having entered into unfathomable terrains of Mother's teachings, which otherwise would not have been possible but for such a workshop.”

“Have been reading James’ book, ‘A Torch in the Dark’ As with the book, this workshop took me to great depths in understanding of Mother's Love and other aspects of Integral Yoga, a subject which is still new to me.”

“James' earnest eloquence while reciting of affirmations and prayers certainly must have helped all to open to Mother's Love in their own unique way.”

“The practice on the second day seemed to me the most profound.

“During this practice, I felt going deeper, quite unobstructively, as if someone was holding my hand and taking me into deeper and deeper realms of my own self, which I found unusual since more often than not, I do face some conditioning hurdles in these kinds of practices, but in this case, it seemed quite seamless.”

“Very warm and accommodative.”

“The foundational practice will be the main takeaway for me.”

“It was a direct experience of the Divine Peace.”

“All of them [sessions] were helpful. The one on Gratitude was very helpful.”

“This workshop responded surprisingly exactly to my current questioning. “

“The experiential aspect of the workshop suited me and felt relevant to the topic. The facilitator and the group created a warm and supportive environment.”

“My connection before was not as 'concrete' as it has become now. “

“Very peaceful, warm, welcoming, open and respectful of silences... “

“I found interesting the fact that James shared a practice that he had discovered and experienced. I am grateful he took the initiative and had the courage to share it. Maybe other members of the Namah group have had personal experiences on this topic which they wish to share. We all have a different angle which will resonate with one of us in one way or another. This approach resonated very strongly with me. Much gratitude for sharing, James. “

“Guided meditation sessions with progressive variations the most. I felt as though I was led gently into the Mother's world. The workshop posters are unique in every way and engage our attention through their colour scheme, artistic and creative illustrations as they set the stage for the exposition of the theme. A Real feast for our Eyes and Intellect as well.”

“Initially, all the thoughts ceased and the entire world moved away. Slowly, the SILENCE I experienced permeated my whole Being. The calling Ma and various photographs of The Mother flashed before me, especially Divine Mother's Eyes.

“Yes, the simple yet powerful techniques will surely help us in maintaining the consistency in our practice.”

“The facilitator remained in the meditative state throughout the workshop and helped us feel the atmosphere charged with the Divine Mother's Presence. “

“It is possible to maintain a consistent thread in our sadhana with the help of the meditation practices, Prayers and Affirmations.”

[Which practices most helpful?]

  1. “Breathwork and the foundational practice of calling Ma in
  2. order to maintain continuity in consciousness 2) Inbreath Open to the Mother and receive whatever she wants to give Outbreath Loving gratitude
  3.  Inbreath Guidance, Protection, Grace and Force Outbreath Shadow Nature, Wrong movements.
  4.  Prayers and Affirmations: we can repeat them anytime and anywhere.”

“With consistent practice one can achieve great results.”
