Uditam – The Integral Healing Programme

Start Date:12-Jul-2024

End Date:14-Jul-2024

Location:Matri Niketan


The Integral Healing Programme, inspired by Sri Aurobindo's teachings, was held from 12th July to 14th July 2024 at MatriNiketan, Puducherry. This three-day event focused on enhancing physical, emotional, and mental health and most important role of individual soul in healing through therapy. The programme commenced with an introduction to the objectives and schedule, setting the stage for an immersive experience.

The first session delved into yogic practices for physical well-being, where participants learned and practiced asanas and pranayama to detoxify and strengthen their bodies. This was followed by a session on meditation and mindfulness, which offered techniques for achieving mental stillness and clarity through guided meditation sessions.

Sound therapy was another highlight of the programme, with participants experiencing the healing power of sound vibrations to balance the body’s energy. Practical insights into yogic digestion practices were provided, focusing on Ayurvedic dietary principles to improve digestion and overall health.

Conscious relaxation techniques were introduced, teaching methods to achieve deep relaxation and reduce stress. The emotional healing and spiritual awareness session aimed at understanding and managing emotions through increased spiritual awareness, fostering group discussions and personal sharing.

The programme concluded with a closing ceremony that summarized the key learnings and gathered participant feedback and testimonials. The event was a significant step towards embodying Sri Aurobindo’s vision of "All Life is Yoga," providing participants with transformative knowledge and practices to enhance their well-being. Participants expressed profound gratitude for the transformative experience and expressed interest in future programmes.
