Healing Migraine/Headache – A Consciousness Approach

Start Date:31-Jul-2024

End Date:31-Jul-2024



Dr. Yogesh Mohan’s session provided a repertoire of insights, comprehensive in nature, as it took the participants through a journey of understanding the inter-relatedness of mind, body and emotions within the human system, the impact of one on the other, dwelling on the limitations of the mind and its stifling influence on the wellness of the being; through a meditative practice initiated at the close of the session it provided a glimpse of the vastness that is concealed within the human heart and the expansiveness that can be ushered in the mind space when one offers all of oneself to the grace of the Divine and its Light, preparing oneself for the descent of Grace and letting go of all else reposes one’s faith in the nurturing alchemic touch of Divine Love, that flows as a light through the physical, touching every nerve, tissue and cell to effect a transformation that is beyond the grasp of the ordinary mind.

He spoke about the three pillars, on which the entire concept of “Consciousness as Medicine” rests.

He underlined the quintessential principles on which this edifice, “Consciousness as Medicine” stand tall:

1. The human body is extremely intelligent. Unfortunately, it’s treated or rather considered as a machine.

It is made up of conscious cells.

Therefore, the body is a conscious body.

Sri Aurobindo’s and The Mother’s work validates this truth and has provided priceless insights.

Dr. Yogesh provided a simple explanation, stating that just as each one as an individual knows that he/she is conscious, aware, has the ability to feel, to respond, similarly every part of the body, each organ, tissue and cell has the ability to feel, to respond as they are conscious at their core.

Every part of the body listens to our thoughts and emotions and in the event of being trapped in adverse thought -currents and emotions, depart from their intrinsic gift of being ignited by an innate intelligence and wisdom, falling prey to the obscure messages voiced by the rattling emotions and negative thought currents.

2. A single thought has the power to impact the cells, through multiple pathways, affecting any of the organs or systems of functioning, it the heart, the endocrine system, digestive system etc.

A single thought, negative in composition, can dampen and destroy the health of the cells, manifesting itself as an imbalance, a disharmony or a disease.

Be it the lungs, the heart, the blood cells be, they are extremely sensitive and responsive to life experiences….experiences sculpted by our thoughts and emotions.

One simply cannot have a thought and imagine that nothing happens!

A mind, “poised on the wings of thought and doubt“, toils endlessly only to create waves of stress that pile up one on the other, overpowering the being, pushing it into the brink of an imbalance that may express itself as a migraine, a headache or any other form of imbalance.

This is caused by the natural limitation of the mind, that is imprisoned within rigid belief- systems, unaware of the possibilities that lie in a vision that is expansive in nature.

3. This brings us to the third principle, which upholds the existence of higher powers than the mind and their power and potency that can effectuate healing. We are unaware of the higher levels of determinism that can effectuate an alchemic change in the nature of things.

Dr. Yogesh pointed out the possibility of healing oneself consciously, by invoking and handing over our troubled being to the benevolent touch of a higher force, beyond the horizon of the mind. The body, he stated, has definitely the capacity to respond to the higher forces, to light, peace, joy and higher vibrations.

These are the three pillars on which the entire approach rests on.

A Healthy Departure

A healthy departure from old habitual ways of thinking, living, processing life needs to be effected in this journey of healing through the power of consciousness.

One should not buckle under the influence of a doubt about the possibility of being healed, given the fact that one has suffered too many years.

Past experiences dissolve with the touch of the benevolent light of a higher power of consciousness. But for this to happen a change has to be ushered.

One cannot continue to act under the influence of certain disempowering inputs, process life and circumstances according to old habitual ways of thinking but expect the outcome to be different.

Dr. Yogesh clearly spelt out the need to aspire for a sincere change if one aspires for a reprieve from conditions in health that cause imbalances.

If one aspires to see a change in the outcome, then something has to change from within.

The Pathway

The change has to be effected from outer to inner.

One embraces the journey of gifting oneself the determination to steer clear of old ways of thinking, feeling and processing and gift oneself the opportunity to connect to higher powers, connect to life with the light of Consciousness, that acts as a mentor and handholds one to remove any factor that is detrimental to health and helps one to prioritise and organise one’s life with a sense of purpose and a deep connect.

In matters relating to intake of food, sleep, exercises and work, one needs to explore the lightness and joy that come in when one fosters a loving, mature relationship with one’s body, mind and emotions.

One needs to change things at the external and gross level.

A mere practice of meditation or solely relying on the intervention of higher powers is not advocated. There can be no spiritual bypassing. Dr. Yogesh emphasized the importance of one’s engagement with one’s life and everyday activities with a sense of mindfulness. One needs to give oneself the gift of awareness and commitment.

The outer and inner life has to be addressed with the same respect and commitment.

Most problems arise, be they at the emotional or psychological level, due to our identification with our surface ego-driven personality.

When one operates purely from this poise, then body, mind and emotions become a triple chord, stifling the possibilities of engaging with our lives with a sense of expansiveness.

A crippling sense of pettiness takes an upper hand and holds one hostage to its mutterings.

It denies one the experience of engaging with forces that hold the gifts of unconditional care and nurturance, such as what one may experience when one engages with Nature.

“Heaven is under your Feet”: Experiencing a Larger Self:

Elaborating on the importance of inviting largeness into our lives, Dr. Yogesh spoke about the importance of connecting our nature with Mother Nature.

Nature is not something outside our being, but intrinsically who we are. Largeness, beauty, simplicity, expansiveness are qualities that lie within, awaiting our awakening to partake of its essence.

As Dr. Yogesh stated, there are multiple ways to connect with Nature and Mother Earth…but the connection should stem from a deep sense of respect, a connection primarily spiritual in its essence .

Walking barefoot on the soil soaked in nurturance, sitting quietly on a beach abandoning oneself to its beauty and expansiveness, consciously listening to the music that floods nature, consciously observing and partaking in the breathtaking beauty that resides in the many movements in nature that manifest the soul of the Divine, are to be considered and revered as essentials in our lives.

Connecting with trees can be a conscious pastime in self-nurturance.

But the baseline, Dr. Yogesh pointed out, is a conscious loving connection, marked by spontaneity and simplicity of the heart.

Sculpting out such moments needs to be done as an extension of one’s deepest aspiration and not to be considered or treated as a mechanical transaction where one goes with the expectation of receiving something, receiving a healing, for the sake of a beneficial outcome.

Things on the external level may remain the same, but something changes within.

As an extension of connecting to Nature, comes the beautiful movement of connecting to the Sun.

We must hold in remembrance that it is the essence of life…no life is possible without this powerhouse of its benevolent energy.

Unfortunately, modern life that relies purely on a mechanical scientific perspective has instilled in many a phobia, a fear of its rays.

Education, Dr. Yogesh declared, has destroyed our connection with its greatness.

That Agni, Surya are revered as Devadas rests on a Truth that cannot be denied.

There are many ranges of consciousness that are beyond our understanding.

It’s through an inner understanding of the immensities of life- supporting propensities that lie in the nurturing rays of the sun, that one truly connects with its god- like greatness.

By invoking its powers and inviting the light into the Agnya Chakra one can bequeath to oneself the experience of receiving the nurturing rays to illumine and cleanse the entire face. It simply expands us. The spiritual significance of Nature cannot be undermined.

A Conscious Approach to Food

As Dr. Yogesh pointed out, one needs to understand the vibrations that emanate from different sources of energy.

Food is a foreign element that is ingested. We not only consume the food but also the energies that emanate from it.

Hence, a conscious choice in matters of food intake is indispensable.

Thought-vibrations and psychological vibrations too, are to be considered as something that may be foreign to us,  hence we may get to ingest vibrations that are not conducive to the well-being of the body.

As all organs are conscious, can feel and respond, one must make a loving, conscious decision to consult the stomach… and respect its need for the type of food that needs to be taken.

Influenced by the bearings of culture, or habitual preferences dictated by the taste- seeking palette one consumes food without giving any thought as to whether it’s truly good for the being’s wellness.

One needs to discriminate between what’s good and what’s pleasurable.

One needs to treat the body and its systems with this act of loving kindness.

One relies heavily on the inputs provided by sources that stream in from the external and fails to engage and trust the innate wisdom of the body that acts as true mentor, facilitating one to make healthy choices in matters related to intake of food.

Again Dr. Yogesh reiterated the importance of trusting the inherently residing superior knowledge and wisdom of the body, her cells and organs.

Transitioning from mindless eating to mindful eating is a healthy practice and a loving discipline to be embraced, a sagacity that lies in eating the right quantity at the right time is to be cultivated.

Many imbalances related to digestion and metabolism occur due to poor eating habits.

The body learns to overcome imbalances and allergies that may occur, if one engages with life and its movements in a conscious state.

What we eat and how we eat impacts the body.

Migraines and headaches are connected to the digestive system.

The digestive system can be restored to an optimum functioning, if harmony is restored in the being through a conscious loving connect with life and its activities.

Hence our relationship with food is of primary importance.

A Conscious Approach to Exercises

In matters related to exercises, a conscious choice has to be made, respecting the true need of the body.

One needs to refrain from anything that is rigorous as the body is not a machine to be dealt with.

Mastering techniques should not be the goal while exercising.

The touch of consciousness renders to the movements, a yogic poise.

The body responds with a sense of joy if the movements flow to the touch of consciousness.

On the Mind and Vital

Speaking of the human mind, Dr. Yogesh pointed out how it perceives things according to the moulds created by its belief-systems. Its perception is limited and narrow, as it thrives on data provided by second-hand knowledge and much of the thoughts that arise from the surface egocentric mind are curated by its own logic and judgements. It feeds on fragments of truth, unaware of anything beyond its scope of understanding.

The vital too is impulsive in nature and is a home to many destabilizing emotions.


This takes one to the next level of engagement with one’s mind.

Having dealt with cultivating a relationship with all that lies at the external level, be it with food, nature and the external environment, one needs to orient one’s focus on cultivating a healthy mind- space.

While the triggers for migraine may be food habits, lack of sleep and other stress related factors, the root cause must be identified and addressed.

All belief-systems that drain the sap of life and hope, belittling the possibilities of a new dawn needs to be addressed, educated, motivated by taking recourse to Truth.

One needs to get in touch with one’s true aspiration and carve out a life in sync with it.

Integral healing not only addresses the external factors that act as triggers affecting the health, but shines its torchlight on the emotional and psychological aspects of the being.

Disempowering belief-systems and negative thought currents generated by them need to be addressed and replaced by one’s deepest aspiration for a freedom in light and Truth.

One must live according to one’s highest aspiration.

One needs to de-clutter the mind- space to be able to be nurtured by an innate love for a healthy life.

What needs to be weeded out has to be identified and weeded out; one must seed the culture of a healthy life, with the gift of a healthy mindset.

As for the vital, one needs to bring in the winds of change by riding on the wings of a love for all that is beautiful, expansive, noble and elevating in its essence.

All useless elements, such as anger, irritation, smallness, pettiness needs to dispensed with as one prepares for higher energies of peace, harmony and the like to fill the being.

One needs to gift oneself the intentionality of living life with greater breadth, reverence, mindfulness and largeness in the being.

A Meditative Experiential Practice of ushering in the Light of Consciousness

The participants were asked to be seated comfortably and guided to relax the whole body.

Relaxing the entire body, one feels the rays of consciousness stream through the entire body, establishing a connection to Mother Earth.

Focusing on the Mooladhara Chakra located at the base of the spine, the participants were asked to feel the space with their breath and feel the space expand with breath, while absorbing fresh energy from Mother Earth.

As one absorbs this energy from the Mooladhara, one brings the breath to flow through the entire pelvic region with a deep sense of respect, as every cell in every organ and in every part is primarily divine in nature.

Each part is extremely sensitive to the messages and attitudes that invade the being and no part enjoys being belittled, as every cell is conscious.

Each part of the body, without any exception, needs to be treated with unconditional respect and love, which they deserve.

The participants were asked to shift their awareness and their attention and breath to the navel region. With every inhale one visualises the Prana moving into the navel chakra.

It is the seat of the vital.

The participants were asked to visualise and sense the Pranic Shakthi flow into the being, flow into the abdominal region, touching every organ ...  spleen, the intestines, kidney, pancreas, liver, etc.

One connects to the flow of this energy, which heals, energises, purifies and cleanses the blockage of energies created by emotional hurts and the play of volatile emotions.

With each exhale, one breathes out all the frustrations, worries and negative emotions freeing oneself from the influence of the vital.

One learns to dissolve into a freedom when one learns to forgive all those who have hurt one through words, acts or thoughts.

In this freedom one learns to sense a newness enter the being, feeling the cool touch of the incoming breath and the nurturing breath within.

One literally frees oneself from the burden of an emotional baggage one is carrying, which has been weighing heavily on one, depleting the life-force, a baggage that is the root-cause of many imbalances in the body.

With each in-breath, the participants were asked to feel their vital being strengthened…becoming strong, confident and courageous.

One gathers strength in the vital.

The participants were guided to move their attention and breath to the heart-centre, a few inches below the skin.

Breathing in, one opens the heart to Divine Love.

Visualising a golden Sun in the inner heart, one surrenders all that’s not divine to it, letting go of all petty emotions, desires, limitations.

One surrenders one’s life in its entirety as it is… surrenders the entire body and being to The Divine.

Visualising the form of the Divine at the heart-centre, one prostrates before the compassionate and omnipotent Divine.

Feeling the lightness that invades the being, one understands the futility of trying to solve all the problems utilizing the mind, with its limitations.

Hence, offering all to the Divine holds the key to the panacea and healing that one seeks.

The participants were guided to bring their attention and breath to the space between the eye- brows, the seat of the Agnya Chakra.

Feeling the flow of breath there, one feels the Prana Sakthi expand the entire head, and feels the lightness pervade the space.

Visualizing a golden light in the Agnya Chakra, one invokes the Divine energy, letting go of the small ego.

Breathing in, one opens the entire head space to be pervaded by the Golden Light…and feel the Light extending to the space behind, above and sides of the head. One visualises and feels the head expand to the size of the room in which one is sitting.

Invoking the Divine Light, one asks the Divine to remove all the darkness that lies in the recesses of the mind….to remove the darkness cast by hidden entities that may be the cause of the headache.

Whatever one sees as obstacles in that space is offered to the power of the Divine Light to dissolve.

The mind thus cleansed is to be a home of refined, subtle thoughts and a chamber that holds the Divine guiding Light. One frees the mind of all anxieties and doubts.

The participants were guided to focus on the space above the head…( a few inches above the head ,and feel the space expand, by invoking the Divine Supramental energy.

One opens every cell of the head to the Divine Light, especially the cells located in the space from where the pain originates, and immersing in this Light lets go of all heaviness and darkness lodged therein.

Every thought is surrendered to the Divine Light…all thoughts about sickness, heaviness and difficulties in life are offered at the altar of Divine Light.

Experiencing the Divine within and all around is the most beautiful part in this journey in consciousness as one moves with breath to the different parts, offering all to the might of this Light…a manifestation of Divine Presence.

In such a state, one understands the futility of unconsciously allowing oneself to bear the burden of judgements.

One ignores all thoughts that destabilize one, not granting them entry into the mind-space.

What truly matters is the profundity of the present experience of the Divine Light, love and the presence of consciousness.

As one stays with the light of this benevolent power, the healing happens and deepens.

Breathing in deeply, one stays in union with the Divine, feeling its touch of Grace in body and mind.

The experiential session closed with the participants being asked to stay in the state as long as they wished.

Summing up

 The consciousness approach to healing transcends the healings effectuated by other systems of therapies and modalities.

What unfolds through the journey is an experience in integral healing, where body, mind and emotions heal and one experiences higher vistas of consciousness.

It is participatory in nature as the seeker of health walks a path, aspiring for freedom from restrictive conditions imposed by mind, emotions and the imbalances, understands the psychological cause behind the disharmony, takes ownership of life by shining the torchlight of consciousness and heightened awareness, makes progress through weeding out elements that disrupt wellness, treads a sunlit path, surrendering and seeking the grace of higher powers to descend, and walks armoured with faith, conviction and peace, cultivates a loving, sacred connect to one’s body, mind and emotions, experiences the Presence within and its alchemic touch, embraces a life of authenticity and expansiveness, connecting with all that is pure, great and luminous.

Healing thus becomes a reality, a movement in consciousness, one understands the presence of the inner realms of peace, quietude where our true selves abide…the inner being.

It’s a revelatory journey that reveals the Shakthi, the power of light and consciousness that can be accessed, a force that can effectuate healing as one moves out of the influence of the surface mind and takes a plunge inward and meets The Presence.

Sri Aurobindo on Consciousness

“Our life is a paradox with God for key. But mind is not all, for beyond mind is a greater Consciousness.”

Over 25 people attended this workshop.
