One-day Workshop with Auro University Faculty

Start Date:06-Jun-2024

End Date:06-Jun-2024

Location:Sri Aurobindo Society


On June 6, 2024, SAIFER, the Integral Education initiative of Sri Aurobindo Society, facilitated a day-long immersion for 15 faculty members of Auro University, Surat. The day commenced with Shivakumar and Priti guiding the participants through the stories of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, providing context on the origins of the Ashram, the Sri Aurobindo Society, and Auroville. They introduced the participants to the dynamic force that continues to fuel these organisations even today.

The faculty engaged in discussions based on their observations and learnings from their recent visits to the Ashram and Auroville. This helped them map their insights based on their experiences within the framework of Integral Yoga, transitioning from an ego-based to a soul-based living.

The sessions aimed at helping participants move beyond theoretical understanding to gain experiential insight into the inner being. Various experiential activities & reflective discussions facilitated by Priti & Shivakumar across the day helped participants connect with the invisible yet powerful force of the inner Truth, known as ‘the Psychic Being’ in Integral Education. An inspirational address by Shri Pradeep Narang, Chairman of the Sri Aurobindo Society, provided a fitting conclusion to the sessions, offering numerous tips to take back to the university, to foster a more soul-based living on campus and at home.

The participants felt energized after the day-long immersion and shared how they now had practical tools to apply in their daily lives to make their living more integral, conscious, and soul-based. They realized that as teachers, embracing Integral living in their own lives would eventually reflect positively in the education of their students at the university. The day concluded with refreshing evening snacks and informal one-on-one discussions among the participants and facilitators.
