Ayurveda - The Knowledge of Life

Start Date:01-Apr-2023

End Date:07-Apr-2023



Ayurveda, the Knowledge of Life was a 7-day online immersion programme co-hosted by NAMAH, the Journal of Integral Health and La Grace, Sri Aurobindo Integral Life Center, USA. Our panel of 6 esteemed speakers comprised Dr. Vasant Lad, Founder and Director of The Ayurvedic Institute; Dr. Sheila Patel, Chief Medical Officer and Ayurvedic Physician for Chopra Foundation; Dr. Rammanohar, Director of Research at Amrita School of Ayurveda, Meenakshi Gupta, Founder & Director of AyurRoots, Sunny Rose Healy, Founder & Director of Mamayurveda and Kashyapa Fisher, Founder & Director of Arogya.

The programme opened with an insightful panel discussion of Ayurveda’s Contribution to Health and Wellbeing. (to view the panel discussion, see https://vimeo.com/813846259). Thereafter, daily a different speaker focused on a particular foundational principle or area of Ayurveda, which ranged from How to Determine Your Ayurvedic Constitution, Conscious Eating using Ayurvedic Principles, Ayurveda’s Approach to Stress and Anxiety, Ayurveda as a Spiritual Sadhana, etc. Also, speakers illustrated how Ayurveda embodies key principles of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga.

Over 50 individuals registered for this event and another 20 participated as guests of speakers and collaborators. Feedback from attendees was very positive and included:

“The Ayurveda immersion program was excellent! Thank you so much for organizing such an inspiring event!”

“Thank you for this wonderful program. It has been truly life-changing for me.”

“Such amazing speakers and great suggestions on how to incorporate Ayurveda into my daily life. Greatly appreciate the program.”

“I am star-stuck and in awe of each speaker and his/her depth of knowledge in the field of Ayurveda.”

“This Ayurveda Immersion program, not only touched on the basic principles, and fundamental knowledge but went way deeper into the spirituality of Ayurveda and the Integral yoga. It was a very deep understanding of our roots of creation.”

“The presentation of all scholars has given me a deeper understanding and new perspective on life.”

“The Ayurveda sessions were very helpful and much needed in present days.”

NAMAH and La Grace, Sri Aurobindo Integral Life Center look forward to collaborating in the Fall on another Ayurveda Immersion Programme. We hope you will join us!
