Visit of the Core Committee and Executive Committee members

Start Date:16-Nov-2022

End Date:16-Nov-2022

Location:Central Prison, Matrikunj, SHARANAM

Institute:Sri Aurobindo Society

"I looked at the jail that secluded me from men and it was no longer by its high walls that I was imprisoned; no, it was Vasudeva who surrounded me."—  Sri Aurobindo.

Today was a blessed day for all the inmates of Pondicherry Jail to receive so much love and respect from the Core Committee and Executive Committee members of Sri Aurobindo Society Pondicherry. Auro Model Prison Project expresses gratitude to all the members.

"Nature which exceeds the body is the nature which goes on living even after the disappearance of the body; it is the psychic nature which is immortal and divine in essence" The Mother

This is the basic concept of the 'School of Natural and Conscious farming' in Matrikunj. We aspire to use nature, health and food for transformation. The Core Committee and Executive Committee members of SAS visited Matrikunj and were overwhelmed by two missions that we are following: 'Food is Medicine' and 'Our Kitchen is our Pharmacy'.

Sri Aurobindo Society Pondicherry is the first organization in India to open such a school which would give FREE training on Natural and Conscious farming to War Widows, Ex-servicemen from armed forces, freedom fighters, shaheeds along with their families.

A talk was organised by Aurokrishi on herbal products which are going to be produced by Aurokrishi under the guidance of Parvathi Nagarajan. Free samples for first-hand experience were distributed to all members.
