Svadhyaya 4.0 - A Course in Integral Studies

An introductory interaction ‘Turning Point’ on 20 March 2022 on behalf of the 6-week online intensive course in Integral Studies titled ‘Svadhyaya 4.0’ organised by the Purnam Centre for Integrality, Auroville, was held earlier where Shivakumar shared the turning point of his life when he came across the teachings of Sri Aurobindo. 

On 18 May 2022, Shivakumar took an online session on ‘Application of Integral Education’ for the participants of Svadhyaya 4.0 course, where he explained the beginning of Integral Education in the form of National Education, by Sri Aurobindo during his freedom struggle days. Later, the Mother gave it a practical form at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and wrote a series of articles explaining what Integral Education is about. The presentation ended with the emphasis on the practical application of IE through “Remembering and Offering” all that we do to the Psychic source within us. After this, there was also a question-answer segment where a few of the questions from the participants got answered.