Page 4 - LTFS TamilNadu TTC
P. 4

Scope of work

                                                              Programme Goal

                 Digital Sakhi programme was initiated to promote digital financial literacy of rural women. ‘Digital
                  Sakhi is a rural woman with a digital device who is equipped with skills and knowledge to impart
                                                        digital financial literacy to others.’

                                                          Programme Objectives

                Increase in         Increase in the average  Increase in the overall annual  Increase in adoption of
              Knowledge of           monthly savings of the              revenue of Women               digital modes of payments

               digital Sakhis             Digital Sakhis                    Entrepreneurs                     in the community

                                                                       Target Vs Achievements
                                                             To assess the progress of the programme
              Scope of work               To compare baseline values with the current situation wherever possible
                                                                          Status comparison

                                                                               Way forward
                                                              To provide actionable recommendations
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