Nature of the body in Yoga

Start Date:15-Apr-2024

End Date:19-Apr-2024

Location:Online and on campus

Institute:AuroYajna, Puducherry

AuroYajna continues the series of workshops titled "Towards Self Perfection” started in July 2021 as their first step towards Divine Life in Divine Body.

This series is based on Sri Aurobindo's message - "Divine Life cannot manifest without the Divine Body".

 Part 1 of the series is "Perfection of the Body".

To have the body as a perfect instrument, every system of the body, viz. the digestive system, the neurological system, the cardiovascular system, and each body organ needs to be perfected and in harmony amongst themselves. 

This month, AuroYajna is focusing on what are the innate qualities of the human body and are the Yogic views regarding the same in the Integral Yoga.

In the use of such activities as sports and physical exercises for the education of the individual in childhood and first youth, which should mean the bringing out of his actual and latent possibilities to their fullest development, the means and methods we must use are limited by the nature of the body and its aim must be such relative human perfection of the body's powers and capacities and the powers of mind, will, character, action of which it is at once the residence and the instrument so far as these methods can help to develop them. I have written sufficiently about the mental and moral parts of perfection to which these pursuits can contribute and this I need not repeat here. For the body itself the perfections that can be developed by these means are those of its natural qualities and capacities and, secondly, the training of its general fitness as an instrument for all the activities which may be demanded from it by the mind and the will, by the life-energy or by the dynamic perceptions, impulses and instincts of our subtle physical being which is an unrecognised but very important element and agent in our nature. Health and strength are the first conditions for the natural perfection of the body, not only muscular strength and the solid strength of the limbs and physical stamina, but the finer, alert and plastic and adaptable force which our nervous and subtle physical parts can put into the activities of the frame.

-Sri Aurobindo

Bulletin of Physical Education. 04.1949. (Dated 23.03.1949)

Registration Details:

Click here for registration.

Click here for full details.


Morning 6 am to 7:30 am— Practice session only

Evening 4 pm to 5:15 pm— Discussion, Q & A and Practices

For more information, contact:

M: +91 8056866627 

Email: [email protected]

Attend this session both online and live @ Sri Aurobindo Society, No. 11, St. Martin Street, Puducherry - 605 001, India.
