Conscious Cooking

Start Date:16-Apr-2023

End Date:14-May-2023



As part of the upcoming June 2023 issue of Renaissance on the theme - 'Food, Sleep and Yoga', Ms Biswajita Mohapatra conducted four practical sessions on conscious cooking and healthy eating.  These were organised with the help of Ms Gayatri Majumdar at the beautiful campus of Surrender, Sri Aurobindo Society.  Simple cooking demonstrations were conducted by Biswajita.

There were discussions among the participants on the posters displayed in the hall.  These posters were designed and displayed at the venue by her.  These posters featured selected insights on food and cooking from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.  Three sessions have been completed so far, at which 29 people attended.  One more session is being planned for May 28, 2023.


